Atopic bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases, with no pronounced seasonal coloration. From the time of the year, only allergic or, as it is called, atopic bronchial asthma can depend. Otherwise, the manifestations of these diseases do not differ.

Symptoms of atopic bronchial asthma

The main evidence that asthma is atopic is the activation of the disease after exposure to the allergen. It can be the following factors:

As a rule, asthma worries only those who have a physiological predisposition to it - sensitive cilia of the epithelium, reacting to any stimulus, and a rather narrow lumen of the bronchi. As a result of contact with the allergen, the smooth muscles of the bronchi react with spasm, the lumen narrows even more, or completely overlaps. Here are the main symptoms of atopic asthma:

To recognize the disease outside the period of exacerbation is very difficult, it can be done only by laboratory methods.

Features of treatment of atopic bronchial asthma

Treatment of atopic asthma involves two main trends - the cessation of an allergic reaction and the relief of breathing. In therapy, antihistamines are actively used, especially various types of inhalers. Also effective drugs that are used for conventional asthma - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and in severe cases - corticosteroids . Everyone who suffers from asthma should reconsider their habits in everyday life:

  1. If a direct allergen is known, avoid contact with it.
  2. Do wet cleaning more often.
  3. Avoid dusty, smoggy and fouled places.
  4. Refuse to keep pets.
  5. Do not use cosmetic or perfume products with a strong fragrance.
  6. Use household chemicals for allergy sufferers.
  7. Choose a job that meets the health standards.