Gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin

Considering our modern way of life: lack of exercise, a long stay at the computer and the lack of regular physical activity, and if you add not always a balanced diet, it is not at all surprising that such a fragile part of the body as the neck suffers one of the first. Indeed, problems with the neck today are found in very young people.

Gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin developed in the center of Bubnovsky and can be prescribed absolutely to any person who does not even suffer from diseases of the cervical spine. These exercises have no contraindications and are not capable of causing harm, since all movements are natural for our neck and are performed at a very slow, relaxing pace.

After the very exercises for the neck, Shishonin also recommends performing a complex to stretch the neck muscles.

Most exercises for Dr. Shishonin's neck are prescribed for the following patients:

Shishonin's exercises not only deprive you of all the above symptoms, but also help you to activate your mental activity, will become a source of new and original ideas, because very often it seems to us that there is not enough freshness in your head. The reason for this condition lies in the weakened blood circulation and lack of brain nutrition.

What causes pain?

Due to the various factors described above, your neck muscles lose their tone, thereby squeezing nerves and blood vessels. At the expense of pinching of nerves and there is pain.

How to perform the exercises?

Shishonin's neck gymnastics at the beginning of the course should be performed daily, and when your neck is already healed, you will be able to perform the complex 3-4 days a week. In addition, when you master exercises, do them in front of the mirror to avoid possible errors. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. Later you can perform gymnastics whenever you want, at work or in front of the computer.

So, let's start the exercises of Shishonin's technique. Sit in front of the mirror, straighten your back.

  1. We bend our head to the right shoulder, fix the position for 15 seconds. Repeat the same on the left side. We do 5 repetitions on both sides, each time the position is fixed.
  2. We lower our head down, fix the position for 15 seconds, then stretch the neck forward, returning the head to the PI, and also fix it. Repetition: 5.
  3. IP - the chin parallel to the floor, stretching the neck forward, turning head to the right to the shoulder. The same is done on the left side. Repetition: 5.
  4. Turn the head to the right, fix the position for 15 seconds, repeat to the left. Repetition: 5.
  5. We put the right hand on the left shoulder, the elbow looks down. Turn the head to the right and slightly up. We fix and repeat to the other side. Repetition: 5.
  6. Hands on knees, head parallel to the floor. Pulling your neck forward, your hands are pulled back and stretch. Fix the position and do 5 repetitions.

As mentioned above, the Shishonin method also assumes an extension:

  1. We raise the left hand and lower it over the head to the right ear. We bend the neck to the side and fix it. We repeat to the right.
  2. Hands raise and put on the back of the head, tilt the head forward, stretch the hind muscles.
  3. Put the hands on the back of the head, make a turn of the neck and shoulder girdle to the right, lower the head, fix it and repeat to the left.

Here is such a simple complex and separates you from the swan neck! Be healthy!