Gymnastics Qigong - a set of exercises for health and longevity

Eastern Chinese medicine is becoming more common every year. Popular is Qigong gymnastics, which helps to cope with various problems without much effort. The name was formed by combining two words: Qi, which means breathing and Gun-force.

Chinese Qigong Gymnastics

The presented system of recovery has existed for hundreds of years. Simple Tibetan Qigong gymnastics is available to people of any age. The system includes not only exercises, but also a certain philosophy that changes life. Charging is based on inhaling the energy of Qi, distributing it along the body and direction to problem areas. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with existing diseases and to normalize the general condition. Gymnastics promotes activation of all processes in the body.

Qigong practice

There are a lot of exercises for working out different parts of the body, and they must be performed according to the existing rules:

  1. It is important to train in a relaxed environment, completely relaxed. Get rid of all extraneous thoughts, for example, using meditation .
  2. Exercise qigong perform, keeping the body's natural positions. In any position, a person should be comfortable. Discomfort indicates that there is an error and you need to adjust the position.
  3. When dealing with a person, one should not feel tension, both in the body and in the mind. Only the muscles participating in the exercise should be involved.
  4. Breathing should be smooth and calm. To get results, it is important to practice regularly.
  5. Gymnastics Qigong is based on the smooth execution of movements, without jerks. Otherwise, the risk of injury increases and the effect of training is minimized.
  6. Repeat each movement 8-10 times.

Qigong for the spine

Back pain is a common phenomenon associated with a sedentary lifestyle. It will help to prevent the development of serious problems and relieve the trouble of gymnastics Qigong for the spine:

  1. Stand up straight, twist, leaning forward, pressing your chin to your chest.
  2. Raise your hands up and slowly lean forward to an angle of 90 °. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  3. Bend one leg in the knee and pull it to him, holding it with his hand if necessary. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Perform on both feet.

Qigong for neck and shoulders

Frequent work at the computer and the love of watching videos or pictures on the phone leads to discomfort in the shoulders and neck. In such a situation, qigong will come to the rescue for health and longevity, but it is necessary to carry out such an exercise:

  1. Raise your arms to the sides, at the waist level slightly bending them at the elbows. Hold them as if you are pushing something. Chin, slide back.
  2. It is important to feel the tension line that runs from the ear and down the arms.
  3. Tilt your head to the side, and then slowly pull it back, and then forward. Repeat on both sides.

Qigong for the eyes

Simple exercises of Chinese gymnastics help to restore tone to the cells of the eyes, restore vision and relieve short-sightedness and farsightedness. Classes of qigong will make your eyes work fully. Do the following exercises:

  1. Perform eye rotation at maximum amplitude then one way, then the other. Do 12 times. Do the same with your eyes closed.
  2. Touch the tip of your finger to your nose and focus your eyes on it. On inhalation, extend the hand while focusing on the finger, and on exhalation return it back. Do the same exercise, just put your finger in the center of the brow.
  3. Approach the wall at a distance of two hands and put two index fingers on the wall to form a triangle. Concentrate on it. On inhalation, take one hand horizontally, seeing it with your eyes, without turning your head. On exhalation, put your hand back and repeat the same way. Do this Qigong gymnastics exercise again, just spread your arms diagonally, lifting your finger first up, then down and to the other hand, drawing a triangle.
  4. The last exercise is running through the eyes. To do this, simply focus your eyes on different objects, quickly changing them. You can also note the flame of a candle, which should be at a distance of two meters.

Qigong therapy for heart and kidney

Energy Qi is able to affect all internal organs and systems, thereby improving human health. Qigong therapy is able to restore the heart and blood vessels by activating the organ meridian located on the inside of the hands. Powerful energy during exercise can be directed to the kidneys, which begin to recover and work properly.

Respiratory gymnastics Qigong

In its essence, qigong is respiratory gymnastics, as a person inhales and then distributes energy. It is important to constantly control breathing, even during the execution of the simplest exercises. The breathing of Qigong should be deep and smooth, so that the heart receives a proportional load and saturates the blood with oxygen. It is important to avoid a delay in breathing, otherwise the benefit of training is reduced to zero.

Qigong for the face

Wellness also includes a massage that can be used to rejuvenate. With simple manipulations, you can cope with wrinkles, return a healthy complexion and forget about bags under the eyes . Charging Qigong includes:

  1. First you need to warm up your hands well, so that they are full of warmth and energy. After that, just touching, walk your hands over your face and hair.
  2. Put your hands on your forehead, then on the surface of the nose, cheeks, chin and fingertips touch the nasolabial triangle, warming all these areas with warm hands. Rub your hands and walk around these areas again.
  3. To warm up the body, Qigong gymnastics recommends several squats. After this, imagine that there is a mouth on the forehead, which should be inhaled / exhaled, and help him with the usual breathing. Spend such a breath with other parts of your face.
  4. Raise your hands over your head, taking a breath, with your palms facing upwards. Exhaling, lower your limbs.
  5. Keep your hands in front at the abdominal level with the palms facing each other. Spread them apart, unfolding the brushes, and then brush, but already with the back sides. After that, raise your hands forcefully to the chest line and describe the circle in front of them. Repeat all the manipulations several times.
  6. Put your legs together and hold one hand at the abdominal level, turning your palm upward. Second describe the circle, drawing a clear line in the center of the body. Carry out each by turns with each hand.
  7. Finally, fold your hands on your stomach and feel how the Qi energy has filled the body.

Qigong for weight loss

If you exercise regularly, you can actively spend calories, increase metabolic rate and vitality. The most effective qigong exercises for weight loss:

  1. "Frog". Sit on the floor, sitting down and cross-legged. Hands bend, unfolding the palms of each other. Squeeze one hand into a fist: the men - the right, and the women - the left. With the other hand, cover the first one. Rest your elbows on your knees and put your head in your arms. Maximize your abdominal muscles and close your eyes. Breathe smoothly, puffing and blowing your stomach like a frog.
  2. "Wave". Gymnastics Qigong includes another effective exercise: lie on the floor and bend your legs at a right angle. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. When inhaling, inflate the chest and draw in the belly.

Qigong - morning complex

To get a charge of energy, cheer up and tune in to a positive, it is recommended to start your morning with a simple charge. Morning Qigong gymnastics will help to feel the world in a new way. All exercises are very simple and affordable:

  1. Stand up to the width of the weeping and start turning the sides of the pelvis. In this case, the hands should be as relaxed as possible so that they "knock" on the lower abdomen and waist.
  2. Raise your arms above your head for inspiration, and on exhalation bend your knees and put your hands to the floor.
  3. Carry the fists around the kidneys. This area is called the "door of life". After that, slap your palms over this area and lower your legs. Go down the outer side of the legs, and rise - on the inside. Knock your fists on the chest, and then pass your hands over your hands, shoulders and neck.
  4. Morning Qigong complex includes such an exercise: keep your hands round at the level of the abdomen and slightly bend your knees.

Qigong Books

There are a large number of works that detail the details of health-improving Chinese gymnastics. Examples include the following books:

  1. " Qigong - Chinese gymnastics for health " Lun Yun. If you are interested in therapeutic qigong, then this is an excellent book, in which there are simple and complex exercises. The author offers several options for self-massage.
  2. " Qigong for energy storage: Small Circulation " Yang Junming. The author carefully studied not only qigong, but also martial arts, and also collected and translated the ancient texts. He offered all his knowledge in the book about qigong gymnastics.