When can I pump the press after delivery?

Any woman who gives birth remains unhappy with the appearance of her abdomen - the press after delivery is stretched, the fatty layer increases, and the tummy does not look flat and beautiful anymore. That is why the question of how to restore the press after childbirth is so popular.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth: dispel myths

For some reason, many young mothers are sure that from the whole spectrum of physical activity only exercises for the press after delivery can return them to an ideal state. However, this opinion is erroneous.

After birth, the problem is not only that the muscles are stretched, but also that the body during the gestation of the child actively increases fat reserves on the sides and abdomen. It is easy to guess that this is a natural shock absorber, which serves as additional protection for your baby during the intrauterine period of its development. That's why, even if you every day swing the press after childbirth, outwardly it will not be too noticeable - it will hide the fatty layer.

This by no means means that exercises on the press are useless. They are useful for tightening the muscles, but the fat can not be removed with the help of them. This will require an aerobic load - long walks with a stroller (just walking), running or running on the spot, jumping rope, dancing, aerobic exercise. These operations will successfully help you burn excess fat, and exercises on the press will allow to give the stomach a beautiful shape.

When can I pump the press after delivery?

This issue for each woman remains individual, and you will not find the right answer to it on the women's forums. It all depends on how quickly your uterus contracts and takes its place. Two months after the birth, when you will undergo a routine examination, your gynecologist will examine you and make a verdict: it is possible or impossible.

Until that time, you can not do exercises on the press: it threatens that the uterus will fall below the required level, which can lead to many health problems.

The first exercises for weight loss after childbirth

In the first two months, while you do not yet know how soon you will be able to start classes for the press, you should not relax: this time can be spent with advantage.

First of all, if weather conditions allow, try to walk with the baby more often. When the weather conditions do not allow - it is possible to carry or roll it around the apartment in a stroller. The main thing is to spend as much time in motion as it perfectly helps burn calories and strengthens your muscles in the safest way.

In addition, you can do exercises on fitball after childbirth, only very light and simple, like those that are allowed during pregnancy. You can find on the Internet many different video courses that will allow you to do without harm to health.

How to pump up the press after delivery?

Since the moment when you can swing a press after the birth, consider that your body has fully recovered. Now you can perform many exercises and maximize quickly return his former figure.

First of all, do not forget about old and proven means - for example, a hoop . If you have a regular hoop, it should be twisted about 40 minutes a day, if the weighted (about 3 kg) weight - 20-25 minutes a day is enough. At the same time, do not forget that you should not start with a full-fledged norm, but with half or even a quarter, and gradually increase the time.

In addition, you can perform simple twists and all kinds of exercises you know about the press that you like. If you know them a little and do it reluctantly - get a video course and do it. Usually the presence of a well-built girl on the screen very well motivates for new achievements!