Topiary on the theme "Autumn"

Each time of the year has its own characteristics, so when manufacturing any crafts for them, you need to take this into account. To create a topiary on the theme "Autumn" you can use not only the leaves, but also its gifts ( fruits , vegetables or flowers ).

How to make an autumn topiary - a master class

It will take:


  1. We take the prepared pot. We cut the burlap with strips of 6-7 cm. We measure the girth of the vessel and cut off the excess material.
  2. We put on the outside of a few drops of hot glue and press the fabric so that it sticks to the pot.
  3. Take the clay and, knead it and place it inside the pot. We insert a skewer into it and mark on it where it ends.
  4. At the second end of the skewers put on the ball and also put a mark where it ends.
  5. The space between the two dashes is wrapped in twine, fixing it with hot glue.
  6. Take the tartlet, apply a drop of glue on the ball and press it to this place in the middle. Fill in this way the entire surface of the ball. If necessary, the paper can be placed differently. The main thing is that the ball does not shine through.
  7. We cut it where the paper sticks out so that we have a smooth ball.
  8. We put the skewer in plasticine, from above we put on the decorated ball. Fill the empty space in the pot with moss.

Autumn Tory is ready.

Topiary of the gifts of autumn

You will need:


  1. We put the ball in the pot. Through all its surface we stick sticks.
  2. We put an apple on a stick. It will be easier to do this if you pierce it precisely in the center.
  3. Free space of the ball fill, sticking a little green twigs. That's all.

If to you such variant does not approach, there is one more version of such hand-made articles.

Autumnal fruity topiary

We need:


  1. We wrap the ball with sisal and fasten it with twine, tying it as shown in the picture.
  2. We decorate it with prepared gifts of autumn (apples, flowers, branches of wild rose).
  3. We put a sponge in the pot, so that it is firmly fixed there. We wind the stick with sisal and tie it with twine. We stick one end of the stick into the ball, and the second into the sponge.
  4. We decorate the space around the trunk with sisal.

Topiary on "Autumn" is ready.