How to weave a bracelet of Shambhala?

Tibetan bracelets of Shambhala are magic talismans that protect and protect their owners from external negative influences. His wise and experienced monks considered life as an invisible wall from an evil eye and bad thoughts. This kind of needlework, like weaving bracelets of Shambhala with our own hands, the master class of which we offer, gives a feeling of peace, comfort and tranquility. Try and you! A bit of assiduity, a drop of patience and a good mood - and everything will come out for sure.

We need:

  1. First we cut the main thread. Its length should be 35-45 centimeters (two wrist girths plus 5-6 centimeters). The second thread (170 centimeters) is needed for the braid of our beads. The main thread is attached to the nail at one end. On it string in the desired order beads. Then we fix the thread to another nail so that it does not hang. On one side of the thread we knit a knot, after which the center of the thread is tied to the base with beads (5 centimeters from the nail). The filaments should be the same length. We make four knots.
  2. The outer threads are threaded into the bead and once again by the weave each knot (4 times). We round the round bead, go around and repeat four knots again. And so we wag until the end.
  3. Tails that remain at the ends can be removed if desired by crocheting or processed with a cigarette lighter. To make a Shamball bracelet with your own hands dimensionless, that is, suitable for any hand, you need a clasp. Connect, overlapping, the ends of the main thread and fasten them with a clamp. We sew the additional thread in the same way as the main one. The middle of the thread is attached to the base, tying a knot at one end. Then plait flat knots to the desired length (the circumference of the wrist plus 1-2 centimeters). Tails, as usual, we hide.

Double Shambhala

Learning to weave a bracelet as it should, you can try a double Shamballa. Such items look more refined and may well become an elegant accessory for the evening image. The principle of knotting remains the same, but there will be two main threads. Each of them will be braided by two additional threads. A simple diagram, described below, describes how to weave a Shamballa bracelet with a double thread.

Such a beautiful and effective talisman can be made armed with a thread, beads, imitating a noble iridescent pearl.

Clasp for this bracelet can be made adjustable in size, as in the previous case.

Such a technique, which, in principle, does not require time, is convenient in that it can be used to create a variety of accessories. Charming and very fashionable look earrings, a variety of charms, decorative items for decorating bags, shoes and home interior.

If the Shamball bracelet bought in the souvenir shop has such amazing properties, then one can only imagine what the magic power of the talisman made by your own hands will be! It is not superfluous to note that such needlework does not require large material costs. In addition, a bracelet that you no longer wear can always be untwisted, and the remaining parts will again be usable for creating new man-made masterpieces.

If you want to give joy to close people, give them such a bracelet. In addition to the mysterious Tibetan power, it will be imbued with your positive emotions, which will make the Shambhala bracelet even stronger. In addition, they can be attributed to the fashion bracelet trend of 2013 .