What is a dream from the point of view of psychology and esotericism?

Regular, high-grade, deep sleep provides health and a good mood - the basic needs of everyone. People are so used to this natural process that they often do not think about the nature of the phenomenon, its features and current. Meanwhile, it can provide answers to many questions and the main thing - what is a dream?

What is a person's dream?

The human body is a complex mechanism, the work of which must be constantly maintained. If dependence on food and drink can be controlled and limited, then there is no way to do without rest - it is vital! What is a dream for a person? This is a physiological process, during which the active mental connections of the subject with the surrounding world are lost, the brain relaxes.

What is a dream from a medical point of view is a kind of mental activity that is vital for the proper functioning of all systems of the human body. Nerve cells come to a calm state, and then they are normalized by the work of internal organs and executive apparatus - vessels, muscles and various glands.

What is a dream - psychology

In ancient times, people knew very little about the nature of sleep, pushing incredible theories, for example, that this process is poisoning the body with poisons accumulated over a day or a decrease in blood circulation in the body. With the development of science, many puzzles have found a clue. At the end of the 19th century, the science of somnology arose, and its founder in Russia was Maria Manasein. She published a work in which she talked about what a dream is in psychology and physiology. The works of Manasein allowed to understand that during a dream the brain does not stop its activity entirely, but rest only the consciousness of a person.

Dreams and their interpretation interests people for thousands of years. It was not possible to unravel the meaning, but attempts were made several times. It is known that such a dream according to Freud is a person's desires, realized or unrealized, given out by the subconscious for dreams. The sight can be explained with the help of dream books. According to Freud, not a single dream can be absurd and meaningless.

What is a dream - esoterics

Learning sleep means knowing yourself and the secrets of the world. Reflecting on what a dream is from the point of view of esotericism, it is necessary to consider it not from the terrestrial, but from the astral projection. When a person falls asleep, he moves from the manifested (physical) into the unmanifested world, or rather the journey is performed by the astral body. In practice, this means going out into the air. People are able to control only known senses and can not remain conscious at rest. But thanks to special techniques, some are able to control even their astral body.

How useful is the dream?

To sleep are used to treat as a necessity, a given. Sometimes it is not enough, and sometimes you do not want to go to bed, interrupting your favorite pastime. Only 2/3 of life people are awake, and the rest of the time they sleep, but it is important to understand that it gives a lot more sleep than "takes away". It has a beneficial effect on the body and all its functions. During:

Hibernation and sleep - what's the difference?

And some living beings have the ability to self-immerse their body in a long rest (the so-called hibernation), slowing down the metabolism and processes of life - blood circulation, breathing, palpitation, etc. Science has learned to artificially create a state of slowed-down vital activity of the organism, called hibernation (from the Latin "wintering"). It is caused by the use of drugs that block the activity of the neuroendocrine system and slow the metabolic processes of the body.

During the time of hibernation, the patient does not sleep in the usual sense. His pupils are narrowed, but they react to light, the eyes can be opened, the pulse is accelerated, and the pressure is lowered. A person who is in this state can be awakened, but will be on the verge of waking. If you understand that it is better to sleep or hibernate for the body, the benefits are always in a healthy rest, but these are completely different concepts.

What is fast and slow sleep?

The process of sleep is cyclical, consists of the same time intervals in an average of one and a half hours each. It is believed that a full rest should consist of five such intervals, that is, last from 7.5 to 8 hours. Cycles are divided into two phases - fast and slow, which are fundamentally different from each other, in this case by the degree of brain activity. Fast and slow sleep are equally important.

What is a slow dream?

Slow sleep is the beginning of any healthy rest. Its first stage is a nap (5-10 minutes), for which the thinking of what is happening the day before is an attempt to find a solution to exciting problems. After this comes the second phase, characterized by a decrease in muscle activity, slowing of the pulse and respiration. The person is still sensitive to external stimuli and during this interval it is easy to wake him up. The third stage is a transitional phase, which ends with the fourth phase of deep sleep - then the brain receives the most valuable rest, its work capacity is restored.

What is a quick dream?

The slow stage is replaced by a fast sleep, which is closer to the waking phase, but it is difficult to wake the sleeper at this moment. From the first cycle it is distinguished by accelerated movements of the eyeballs (eyelids are closed at the same time), frequent cardiac contractions, active brain activity, which at this moment sorts the information received. There is an opinion that in the fast phase the brain conducts an analysis of the environment and develops an adaptation strategy. But the most pleasant thing in a quick dream is bright, memorable dreams.

A lethargic dream - what is it?

The best medicine for all diseases is a dream, but it is not always useful. There is a similar state of the organism for which characteristic immobility, the absence of reactions to external stimuli, a decrease in body temperature and signs of life. You can compare it with a coma with the difference that the body is able to maintain vital functions. This state is sometimes called "lazy death" or lethargic sleep, the causes of which have not yet been fully understood. As a rule, a painful condition is preceded by traumas, shocks and heavy experiences.

Many people ask themselves: what is a lethargic dream , a mystical or real phenomenon? There is no unequivocal answer. Uncertainty engenders a number of rumors, the main of which is the burial of living people who are in lethargy. The syndrome comes suddenly and can become a reaction to general fatigue, lack of sleep, as well as diseases such as anorexia and hysteria.

The panacea of ​​the above ailments and conditions is just a healthy dream. Its normal duration should be at least 7-8 hours for adults. Children sleep a little longer (from 10 hours), the elderly people have six hours to recover. To sleep means to live, to replenish the lost reserves of the body. In addition, in a dream people sometimes visit "smart thoughts", have a chance to get answers to exciting questions or simply enjoy a spectacular dream.