Madonna yearns for her son

Madonna is going crazy, having lost her son, but is not going to give up. To melt the ice and let Rocco know that she still loves him, the pop diva has posted a photo of an escaped offspring in Instagram, writing a soulful post.

Broken heart

Even a star like Madonna turns into an ordinary woman, if it's the most expensive thing - children. A teenager tired of publicity went to visit his father and his new family in London. However, the vacation dragged on, and Rocco said he would live with Guy Ritchie.

According to the court order, he had to return to his mother in New York, but the rebel is in no hurry to do so. The next meeting will take place on March 2, and it will finally decide on who will live with the 15-year-old Roco Ritchie.

Recently tabloids have written that the famous director can not cope with the rebellious son. Allegedly the teenager regularly skips classes, smokes grass and drinks alcohol.

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Rejected mother

Madonna does not abandon the hope to resolve the conflict amicably, she tries to reach her son. Yesterday, the 57-year-old singer posted a cute photo of Roco in the social network. In the comments she wrote that she really misses this boy and hopes to see you soon!