Plots in the Trinity for marriage

If there is a desire to marry, you can increase your chances of building strong and happy relationships, using plots in the Trinity for marriage. All the rituals are simple and accessible, but that they act must have good intentions and a great faith in the positive result. Otherwise, it is not worth counting on the help of the Higher Powers.

What are the rituals for the Trinity for marriage?

To find out from which side the future spouse will appear, you need to weave a wreath with your own hands and put it on the water. In which direction he will float, from there and wait for love.

There is a simple rite for an early marriage to the Trinity, for which before you go to the service you need to tear down several birch leaves and put them in your bosom. Simply do the whole service without getting them, and after returning home from the leaves prepare the broth over low heat. During its preparation, say such a conspiracy:

"How the people love the Trinity, so let the servant of God (name) cherish me, warm my heart, burn with my body, give me love".

Let's consider one more simple ritual which will allow to meet the second half. For its implementation on the way to church for service, it is necessary to break a bouquet of wildflowers and herbs. In the temple they are consecrated, and at the end of the service put three candles in front of icons with female images. When you come home, grind the plants, pour them with boiling water and prepare a decoction. When the liquid cools, she should wash herself, while uttering a conspiracy to the Trinity for marriage and love:

"Travushka-mug, you grew up in the field, you took care of the way. Bring me the bridegroom (or bride), so that the soul will burn with love, so that life will boil with the key. "

There is another simple rite that will bring the meeting closer to the second half. For its implementation, it is necessary to begin the ritual at about midnight before the feast of the Trinity. Take a bouquet of wildflowers and weave a wreath from them, and then cross it. Holding it in your hands, read this conspiracy:

"In the field green girls are walking, picking flowers, wreaths weave and thrown into the water. The betrothed-mummer, you catch a wreath, give it to me, servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

After this, you need to go to a natural pond and throw a wreath in it, so that it is picked up by the current. Go home and in no case turn around and do not talk to anyone.

Signs of marriage to the Trinity

There are a few superstitions and rituals that concern exclusively unmarried girls. For example, to find out whether it will be possible to marry in the coming year, it is necessary to go to the nearest grove on the eve of the Trinity and "curl" a young birch tree. If the branches wither or grow up during the holiday, then you should not expect to meet with the suchens, but if they remained confused, then the wedding will be, and the family will be happy. According to another note, if you place fresh twigs of birch under the pillow, you can see your future spouse in a dream.