How to remove spoilage yourself?

Constant health problems for no apparent reason, an eternally bad mood and fast fatigue can be signs of spoilage or evil eye. These negative impacts are produced at the energy level, so they are difficult to detect and identify immediately. But if the medicine is powerless and the person's state can not be improved in any way, one can confidently talk about someone's evil intentions. Consider how you can independently remove the evil eye or spoilage without resorting to magicians and sorcerers.

"I want to remove the spoilage" - how to choose the right method

To begin with, you should pay attention to the religion that you profess. If you belong to Christians, prayers addressed to God and Christ, as well as the faces of saints, will do. On the contrary, if you do not recognize Christian customs, then you need to use pagan ways to remove spoiling, conspiracies and witch rituals. This is very important, because appealing to higher forces from the world to which you do not belong can exacerbate the situation, and you will be additionally punished for non-compliance.

Christian ways - how to remove the evil eye and strong spoilage yourself

  1. Candle. This method can be used both alone and with the help of another person, only he must be a baptized Christian. You need to buy a candle in the church and light it, holding it in your right hand. The lit candle should be led near the body, beginning with the head and simultaneously reading the prayer "Our Father". If a candle near any parts of the body begins to strongly and noticeably smoke, the flame crackles and an unpleasant, putrid smell appears - these are manifestations of spoilage or evil eye. These areas need to be crossed 7 times, pronouncing the last line of prayer. So you need to process the entire body from top to bottom and back, from bottom to top.
  2. Prayer service. The best way is to remove the spoiling in the church, turning to the priests. It is necessary to order yourself or a person who needs help, a moleben (service) for health for 40 days. During this time it is advisable to fast, drink holy water and refrain from using intoxicating substances.
  3. Prayers. It is most effective to address St. Nicholas and Cyprian. These saints were known for their ability to heal and heal. Pray as often as possible, fully focusing on the request to cleanse the body and spirit from the negative influence of ill-wishers.

Pagan rituals for the removal of spoilage and the evil eye

  1. Conspiracy. This method is similar to removing the spoilage of a church candle. It is only important that the candle used be waxen, you can even buy it in the church. Only during the purification does not need to say a prayer and impose a sign of the cross. Any conspiracy will help to remove the spoilage - from the heart you should say kind words (health, light, love, purity).
  2. Egg. The most common and simple way, how to remove spoilage even on a photo - by an egg. The product is needed fresh and with a white shell, not necessarily home. The egg must be rolled around the body to the person or his image clockwise, beginning with the head. During the ritual, it is necessary to read an arbitrary conspiracy to purify. At the end of the procedure, the egg is broken into a clear glass with water, where the yolk and protein form can be determined removal of spoilage. If they were at the bottom, they have the usual color and look - the ceremony was successful. In other cases, the roll-out is worth repeating. Water with the used egg should be poured into a small hole dug in the ground.

How to remove damage from home?

This damage is quite difficult to remove, so it is better to invite a priest to purify the home or other specialist that corresponds to your religious views.

Independently to remove damage from the house you can try using the holy water taken on Wednesday. She should process all the doors, windows and corners in the room, reading the prayer "Our Father".