Conspiracy for a child to speak

Some parents worry that their child does not speak, while his peers are already actively replenishing their vocabulary . If no modern methods help, then you can use the ancient rituals, which proved their effectiveness even in ancient times.

Plot on water so that the child speaks

Remember that magic rituals only work if they are not known by strangers. Read the conspiracy to drink, for example, for ordinary water or for milk. Holding a glass in your hands, read these words:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." I conceived you, I wore 9 months under my heart, I gave birth to you, and I will teach you. Amen".

Give fluids to children.

Effective plot to start a child

To perform the ritual, you should ask the godfather to bring any ribbon as a gift, and if the child is a girl, then it must be white, and for the boy you need a blue ribbon. Be sure to give a godfather a thing that will be useful to him, wrapping it in a diaper in advance. The resulting ribbon rolled into a tangle and at night put it near the icon of the child's name of the saint. The next morning, cut the ends of the tape and pass it three times through your own ring. It is important that there are no stones in the jewelry, so it's best to use an engagement ring. After that, lay the ribbon on the table, and tell the plot so that the child begins to say:

"As the grass turns green,

As the snow melts and leaves into the earth,

So it would be worse to get out of the house,

Wave out, spilled out,

We did not turn back.

As the grass grows,

So the servant of God (the name of the child) grows,

Chadushko-sladu school,

Foul weather.

Kako the rain will freeze,

So the servant of God (the name of the child) will speak!

My word became stronger, sharper than a knife,

As it is said, it will be so,

From now on, forever and ever.

Ever-Virgin Mary, help!

Use the canopy to calm down with your spirit.


Then tie the tape on the right hand of the child several times and tie three knots. You can not shoot it before the first rain.

Conspiracy to make the child speak well

There is an ancient Znakhari rite, which is considered quite effective. It must be carried out at dawn on the full moon day. The table is laid with a clean cloth of linen and arrange icons, thus: in the middle - the image of the Lord Almighty, to the right - the Blessed Virgin Mary of Kazan, and to the left - the icon of All Saints. Near each image, put on a thick church candle and in turn light them. On the floor, lay a piece of black prayer cloth. Stand on it on your knees, cross, three times bow, and read the appeal to God:

"God help me! Lord Jesus Christ, become me, slave (s) to Your (her) (your name), help, help open the baby's speech lines (baby's name). Mother Lady, Most Holy Mother of God of Kazan, come to my aid, help open the baby's speech lines (name). Saint Prince George Vladimirovskaya, come to my aid, help open the baby's speech lines (name). "

Then take the new scissors and put the child on the prayer cloth. Scissors bring to the baby and, opening the blade, make movements, as if cutting off a bridle. Do it 12 times and read the plot the same time, so that the child would say:

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus Christ walked about the earth, Jesus Christ the parables said. It is easy the word from His mouth went. So the baby (baby's name) is to speak quickly and easily. The Lord with His power to help the baby (name) stood up, gave speech to the baby (name). The Mother of God came to the aid, she gave her speech (name). Language unleashed, a word in the mouth invested. Prince George came to his aid, his mouth and tongue strengthened, he opened the prayer with his power, he helped the baby (name). The word in the baby (name) resides, the word adds. Language and sublanguage God untied, so that the baby (name) quickly spoke, did not suffer from dumbness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Keep the candles completely burned, and return the icons to their places. Open the scissors with a prayer cloth and put the child under the mattress for 14 days. After the time at sunset, scissors are deeply buried in the ground, and hide the linen in the house.