Witch Spells

Rituals can not be imagined without spells - special magic phrases that activate energy and allow you to achieve the desired result. There are a huge number of spells that belong to both white and black magic. Experienced witches can create spells themselves, investing their experience and strength in them.

Spells for the Beginner Witch

Witches, just on their way, need a mentor who will choose the right path and teach them the subtleties of magic. For the implementation of spells of great importance are additional items: candles, amulets , herbs, etc. To develop your strength and achieve success, you need to start with simple rituals and gradually increase your skills.

The spell of the witches on the day of initiation

To consider yourself a witch is not enough to just admit it, because you need to pass a special dark rite. To it it is necessary to prepare in advance and within seven days to adhere to a strict post. In the prepared room, you must light the lamp in advance. To begin the ritual is at midnight all alone. Standing in the center of the room, say an ancient witch spell:

"As a child does not know where to go, so your slave lost in the path of life. I am your eternal servant, help Vladyka, holding me by the hand. Let me see everything that is hidden from the eyes of the people. Flood me with your gift priceless. Descend upon me the spirits of the universe and I will remain faithful to the power given to me. "

Right after that you need to go to sleep. To begin the ritual , it is necessary not only to know the spell, but also to understand the herbs, different amulets, etc.

Witch Spell of White Magic on Health

There are many rituals that help to improve health, get rid of spoilage and evil eye, as well as from another negative. Consider an effective conspiracy to improve human health. For the ritual, you should prepare a container of clean water, in which you need to put three pinches of salt and say these words:

"Mother, fast water, wash all the frying, all the crowbar from the servant / slave of God (name). Take them to the sea abyss, tighten them into deep pools, put them on stone yokes. So that they never rise up, forget about the servant of God (name) forever. "

Conspiracy repeat three times. It is important to believe in the action and the positive effect of the ritual.

A powerful witch spell with a quick effect on money

To improve your financial situation and attract a monetary balance, you can conduct a simple rite in the new moon. For him, you should prepare a bowl, a spoon, three small coins, an old wallet and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg. Alone in a bowl, put cinnamon, nutmeg and mix well. During this, it is necessary to represent the amount that you want to receive for a particular purpose. It's important not to ask for too much and not show your greed, as the energy of the spell just flies. Thinking about the amount, start toss coins until the tails and two eagles fall out. Then put the coins in the mixture, close the bowl and shake it well, saying the words of the witch spell:

"Powder of attraction, let it happen, let luck come, what I need".

Place the coins in question in an old purse and store with documents that are related to the money.

An ancient witch spell to protect against enemies

The ritual is aimed at creating a bottle of witches, which will protect against enemies. Keep it secretly from others. To produce it, you should prepare an empty bottle, a patch of red heart-shaped tissue, several own hair, nail trim, 13 nails and the same number of pins with a black head. Still need a mug of sea salt, wine and a red candle. Place all the items on the altar. In the bottle, put your hair and nails, and then, say these words:

"Here they represent me."

The next step is to send the nails there and say:

"These are my shields of protection."

Then you need to pour salt in the container, saying:

"This salt will cleanse me."

Raise your heart up from the fabric, say such a conspiracy:

"This is the heart of all who wish me evil."

Heart pierce with prepared pins and say these words:

"Let all who wish me harm and want to harm me will feel the pain of hatred in their hearts. Let evil return to him back. May it be so".

After that, put the heart with the pins in the bottle, pour the wine there and clog it. On the cork, place the candle, light it and wait for the wax to stop the bottle. It must be buried next to your house, saying:

"Mother of the Dark Moon, I pray, send me only good. I'll bury the bottle of protection here, to protect against all enemies, all evil and damnation will reflect its strength and send it back to the enemies. May it be so".

Never dump the bottle, even if you overeat, it will still protect you from enemies.