Allergy to cold in children - how to avoid unpleasant manifestations?

With the onset of winter, cold allergy in children occurs more often, causing concern to parents. Manifestations are not always strong, but even in this case, they can not be ignored. If you run them, you can get serious problems later.

Causes of cold allergies

Subcooling is the main factor, often occurs in the winter, when the body is subject to a temperature drop. Staying in a cold wind, a sharp exit from heat to frost, can cause. Sometimes the symptoms are associated with bathing or washing hands in cold water. Less often they appear after ice cream or cold drink.

  1. Genetic disposition . Cold allergies in a child are more likely to occur if the parents are suffering from this disease.
  2. Antibiotics. After a course of antibiotic therapy, immunity may decrease, which will become an indirect cause of such a reaction.
  3. Other diseases. Among the common backgrounds for allergies are parasitic infection, pneumonia , sinusitis, oncology, dysbacteriosis, tuberculosis, thyroid dysfunction, metabolic abnormality, lupus erythematosus, and measles and rubella.
  4. Inhibition of immunity. After illness or if there are problems with the immune system.
  5. Presence of skin diseases. Other allergies, dermatitis and psoriasis can provoke the reaction.
  6. Stress. It is especially dangerous for impressionable and excitable children.

Allergy to cold - symptoms in children

How does the child's allergy to cold manifest itself depends on the particular case. Sometimes it is almost invisible, so parents write off it for rubbing clothes or reaction to food. There may be another extreme - the defeat of large areas of the body and the addition of other symptoms. It is important to take timely measures to cope with the cause and prevent further development.

The main signs of cold allergy:

Allergy to cold on the face of a child

Open parts of the body suffer first, so cold allergy symptoms quickly appear on the face. It starts with redness, then a burning sensation and blisters with transparent contents are formed. Then, swelling may develop, which worsens the baby's well-being. Allergy to cold in children has another characteristic course - on the face are formed peeling, which are combed to cracks.

Cold allergies in the arms of a child

In this case, the signs are similar to how a cold allergy on the face manifests itself. Redness and itching appear immediately after freezing or some time after coming to a warm room, when the limbs are warmed. Swelling is less common, hives and dermatitis are more common. Gradually, the area of ​​the lesion increases, it is difficult to cope without help of the child's organism.

Cold allergies on the legs of a child

Not always affected parts of the body that have been cooled. Sometimes an allergy to cold appears in the children on their feet, which were well insulated and could not freeze. For this reason, parents can confuse it with other kinds of irritations. An important difference of cold allergy is the onset of symptoms immediately after the impact of the stress factor. Rashes in this case have the character of a rash in the form of blisters. Its spread throughout the body is possible in the case of swimming in a cold pond.

What is dangerous cold allergy?

Rashes or respiratory manifestations are rarely dangerous. If there are no provoking diseases, the treatment of cold allergy is reduced to the elimination of disturbing symptoms. If the reaction to frost is severe, complications can occur:

Allergy to cold in young children is dangerous not only for instantly developing negative reactions. Based on the results of recent studies, experts conclude that the possibility of developing bronchial asthma on this background. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the symptoms, it is obligatory to consult an allergist, which will constitute an adequate treatment plan.

The child is allergic to cold - what to do?

Before thinking how to get rid of cold allergies, you need to make sure it is available. Irritations in the baby can occur due to woolen mittens or fur on the hood. If after elimination of possible causes the problem has not disappeared, then you need to see a doctor.

  1. The allergist will prescribe samples, if they confirm that the child has a cold allergy, the treatment will be prescribed according to the symptoms.
  2. If the reaction to the cold is very strong, then the doctor should be treated immediately.
  3. In some cases, the cause is the violation of other systems, in which case it is necessary to take care of their elimination.
  4. If the signs are weak, you can alleviate them with nutrient creams and warmer winter clothes.

Cold allergy - drugs

If the problem is not caused by chronic diseases, then the experts offer symptomatic treatment.

  1. Antihistamines. These can be tablets (Cetrin, Tavegil, Zirtek) or ointment from cold allergies (La Cree, Skin Cap), applied to the places of irritation.
  2. Auxiliary means. The most famous cream from cold allergies is Panthenol, it will not eliminate the disease, but it will soften the skin and help the healing of injuries as soon as possible.
  3. Drops and sprays. Appointed with rhinitis caused by exposure to frost.
  4. Recommendations for the prevention of symptoms:

    1. Wearing things from natural fabrics, better keeping heat.
    2. Application of a fat (child) cream on the face, legs and hands.
    3. Use of hygienic lipstick.

    Cold allergy - folk remedies

    1. Hardening. It is carried out before the onset of frost and after the withdrawal of allergic symptoms. A contrast shower is recommended and the feet are poured cold water. Begin with minimal changes, gradually reducing the temperature of the water.
    2. Aloe juice. They smear the affected areas.
    3. Infusion of nettle. This method, how to treat a cold allergy, will help to remove inflammation. On a glass of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of herbs and leave for seven hours. Drink the product a little during the day. The place of nettle can use the leaves of cranberries.
    4. Activated carbon. A tablet for 10 kg of weight is consumed an hour before meals.
    5. Needles. The broth is used for bathing and rubbing the affected skin areas several times a day.