Ammonia - application in the garden

Every owner of a site that grows trees, favorite vegetables or flowers knows that, in the care of plants, sometimes one has to resort to the use of various home remedies. Often they are much more effective than many advertised compounds. And, by the way, one of the most popular substances for gardener is ammonia. So, we are talking about the use of ammonia in the garden and the garden.

Why is ammonia useful for plants?

In general, it is generally recognized that nitrogen is the main source of nutrition for the plant. It is thanks to this element that stems and leaves grow. Nitrogen is mainly contained in nitrates. However, ammonia is also a nitrogen compound. Even his formula reflects the content of an important element - NH3.

That is why many gardeners, gardeners and simple growers are confident that the main benefit of ammonia for plants is the introduction of nitrogen. Thus, ammonia serves as an excellent fertilizer in the event that there is a shortage of nitrogen, that is, when the leaves dry and turn yellow. Moreover, the assimilated means of plants are fairly easy.

In addition, ammonia serves in beds and for other purposes. It's no secret that ammonia has a rather specific smell, which hardly anyone of us will call pleasant. This "aroma" is not to liking for some insects, in particular the most common pest of agricultural crops - aphids, onion fly , bear, wireworm and others. As you can see, the use of ammonia is not only the fertilizing of plants, but also the fight against pests.

How to feed plants with ammonia?

If you suspect that your favorite flowers or vegetable plants are slightly fatigued due to a lack of nitrogen, spend fertilizing plants with ammonia. This substance is sold in any pharmacy in the form of a solution of 10% ammonia, or ammonia.

Dilute ammonia in the bucket of standing water at room temperature. For 10 liters of water take 3 tablespoons of the substance and mix thoroughly. Watering is done under the root of the plants. It is best for a nitrogen fertilizer in this form to respond to cucumbers, geraniums, lilies, clematis and many others. However, keep in mind that such a top dressing is carried out after watering.

Ammonia in pest control

Another way to use ammonia in the garden is to fight many dangerous pests. Especially acute reaction to the smell of the drug aphids. In case of damage to this insect, a solution that is created from a bucket of water, 50 g grated soap and 50 ml of ammonia solution helps. This means you just need to spray the beds.

If your site is attacked onion or carrot fly, do not rush into the store with fungicides. A solution for watering and sprinkling, which is prepared from 5 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water, is quite effective.

Medvedka is an unpleasant attack that devours seedlings, vegetables or root crops. The agent from liquid ammonia will get rid of it. 10 ml of ammonia solution must be diluted in 10 liters of water. For each well with I use plants for half a bucket for watering. A similar solution is prepared and when a wireworm strikes, which likes to settle on legumes, potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes.

If the site with garlic or onion plantings has been exposed to such a pest as a secretive throat, then weekly watering with a solution that must be prepared from 1 tablespoon of ammonia and a bucket of water.

By the way, ammonia perfectly helps not only from pests, but also from blood-sucking insects, which significantly poison life in your favorite country house. Diluted in water with a solution of ammonia periodically need to spray the area around him. But if the mosquitoes still reached the skin, the unbearable itch from their bites removes the mixture of water and ammonia taken in equal proportions.