Badan - landing and care

Badan is a herbaceous plant, in most cases perennial (thick-leaved and heart-shaped species). They grow it mainly as decorative, but the roots and leaves of the badan are very useful from a medical point of view. In the article we will tell you how to plant a biane and what are the basic rules of caring for it.

Landing Badana

Plant this plant best in the spring, and if there was no time, you can do it in August. Preliminarily it is necessary to prepare under the bahan ground - to clean it as much as possible from weeds and to recreate the desired composition and acidity. Badan likes loose turf soil, neutral or weakly acidified, without the risk of moisture stagnation.

It is also important and where to plant the oil. The plant likes places where the sun's rays fall in the morning or evening. A site with a scorching sun is bad for badana in that it constantly needs to monitor the moisture of the soil, because the plant does not tolerate drying out.

Plant a rhizome in a large, but shallow (up to 30 cm) hole, dropping it only half. At the same time, one should try not to break and not to root the rhizome, giving it freedom. From above the landing site must be covered with peat or sawdust.

Care of autumn in autumn

In general, caring for bahany, as well as landing, is not difficult. The plant is extremely unpretentious and requires only timely watering. After the end of the flowering period, it can be fed with a complex fertilizer. More frequent top dressing is completely useless, especially from this blooms.

For the winter, the banana also does not require special care. It does not require shelter, because it is incredibly winter-hardy and even partially retains the leaves under the snow, like an evergreen plant.

To protect and shelter for the winter is only very young seedlings grown from seeds. They are warmed by a layer of dry leaves, which are removed in spring.

After winter, the overwintered and dried leaves are removed, and young people are used to brew tea. Inflorescence appears soon after the descent of snow under the overwintered rosettes. Peduncles simultaneously grow and blossom until the beginning or middle of summer. After that they have a period of rest, and in autumn a second peak of flowering may occur.

Badans do not require frequent transplantations, they perfectly grow in one place for 7-10 years or more. They decorate the site with their decorative appearance, besides they are very useful in the treatment of dermatological diseases, oncology and problems with increased pressure.