Humoral immunity

Immunity on the mechanism is of two types:

They are closely related, although they perform different functions.

The main function of the immune system is to identify, recognize, neutralize and remove from the body an alien substance in which various viruses, bacteria , toxins, fungi, tumor cells and transplanted cells can act. And the system is also capable of remembering hostile cells in order to meet them once again, to be able to quickly neutralize.

What is humoral immunity?

The very name "humoral" comes from the word humor, which translates as liquid, moisture. In this case, it means liquid in the body:

Humoral immunity has its own specific characteristics. Its function is to recognize and destroy bacteria in the blood and in the extracellular space. Provide this type of immunity B-lymphocytes. When lymphocytes meet antigens, they move to the bone marrow, lymph nodes , spleen, thick and small intestine, tonsils in the pharynx and other areas. There they actively divide and transform into plasma cells. B-lymphocytes produce antibodies or otherwise immunoglobulins - protein components that "stick" to foreign structures - bacteria, viruses. Thus, immunoglobulins mark them, making them noticeable for blood plasma cells that destroy viruses and bacteria that enter the body.

There are five types of immunoglobulins:

In total, such lymphocytes in the body are 15% of all available.

Indicators of humoral immunity

Under the indicators of humoral immunity is meant the amount of produced antibodies and other compounds that take part in protecting the body from foreign elements, as well as how actively they mark various tissues and fluids in the body for further neutralization of viruses and bacteria.

Violations of humoral immunity

To assess the humoral immunity and identify abnormalities, an analysis is carried out-an immunogram. In this case, the content of immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G, E and the number of B-lymphocytes is determined, as well as the indices of interferon and the compliment system after carrying out preventive vaccinations.

For this analysis, blood is taken from the vein. The day before, it is not recommended to overload the body with physical exertion, do not consume alcohol and do not smoke. Blood surrenders in the morning on an empty stomach after 8 hours of fasting, it is allowed to drink only water.