Ointment from mange

It is difficult to get rid of scabies without the use of effective external means, capable of killing an itch mite. In its majority - it is an ointment of industrial, pharmacy or home preparation. Each of them has its pros and cons, but all, in one way or another, are effective against parasitic skin diseases. What kind of ointment from scabies to use in treatment, the dermatologist will solve. And we will present brief descriptions and ways of applying some of the most popular tools.

Sulfur ointment from mange

This ointment has successfully treated scabies for more than a dozen years. You can get it in any pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Minus one: sulfuric ointment has a sharp unpleasant odor. For some people, especially children, it is very difficult to endure a sulfuric "fragrance". Unpleasant sensations exacerbated by a long period of treatment without washing off the ointment. Nevertheless, the treatment of scabies with sulfuric ointment is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to cope with the disease. There are two ways to use this drug. Here's how to treat scabies with sulfur ointment in two versions:

  1. Sulfur ointment should be applied to all sites affected by itching for 5 consecutive days at night. At the same time, the ointment is washed off, bedding and nightclothes are daily washed and disinfected with high temperatures (ironing).
  2. In the second variant of treatment, the ointment should be applied to the skin before bedtime and not washed off for 4 days. After washing off, the bed and clothes are also washed, and the sulfuric ointment is applied again in the evening to wash it off in the morning and complete the treatment.

Both methods involve a course of treatment of 5 days. Moreover, both are equally effective. Only the second method is suitable for people who do not plan to leave the house during treatment, and the first method is for those who have incompatible treatment and stay at home. It is worth paying attention to the fact that all clothes, bedding and towels that were used by the patient with scabies during treatment are subject to washing and disinfection.

Benzyl benzoate - ointment from mange

Another ointment that perfectly copes with almost all skin parasites is benzyl benzoate. It is also available, like sulfuric ointment, while it has a less unpleasant smell. The minus of this ointment is a burning sensation of varying degrees of severity, which is not the reason for discontinuing treatment.

There are two forms of production of benzyl benzoate: 10% and 20% ointment. A drug with a lower concentration of active ingredient is usually prescribed to children. Among medicinal ointments from mange, benzyl benzoate is one of the first places in the frequency of appointment and the effectiveness of treatment. Use the ointment as follows:

  1. Before applying, take a warm shower in order to partially get rid of scabies mites that are on the surface of the skin. Such preparation is also needed to increase the susceptibility of the drug.
  2. Apply ointment on the entire body, excluding the face and scalp.
  3. Take a break in treatment for 3 days.
  4. On the fourth day before going to bed, you must take a shower and repeat the application of benzyl benzoate.
  5. Bedding and clothing should be washed and ironed.

Zinc ointment from mange

If there is a serious need to pick up an ointment from scabies without a smell, then you can buy the softest remedy - zinc ointment . It does not smell anything, it is not difficult to buy, it can be applied as simply as previous ointments. The disadvantage of zinc ointment is that when treating scabies, it only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, accelerating the healing of irritated skin, but it does not quite combat the parasite.

Using zinc ointment, you need to use other drugs or folk remedies to destroy the itch mite. This ointment is most often prescribed to people with allergies, people with very sensitive skin and those with scabies complicated by ulcerative lesions of the epidermis.