Pituitary Tumor - Symptoms

The pituitary gland is an iron of small dimensions, which is an appendage of the brain. It performs an important role in the body, responsible for the production of endocrine hormones responsible for growth, metabolic processes and reproductive function. Pituitary tumor, the symptoms of which are reflected on many systems and organs, leads to excessive synthesis of hormones, or vice versa, depresses their growth.

The disease is equally affected, both men and women. The average age of patients is from thirty to forty years. The consequence of the growth of the pituitary tumor becomes an imbalance of hormones, which is accompanied by various abnormalities in the body. In some cases, neoplasms may not affect the patient.

Causes of a pituitary tumor

To date, it is impossible to determine exactly what is the cause of this disease. Most pathology is considered hereditary. But in addition to genetic predisposition, consider such factors:

Signs of a pituitary tumor

The symptoms observed in the case of the disease may be biochemical or physical. The growth of the tumor affects the health of the organs. This is manifested in:

Biochemical effects are due to changes in the balance of hormones. If the growth hormone is secreted excessively:

The change in the balance of substances responsible for reproductive function is indicated by:

If there is an increase in the level of thyroxin, then hyperthyroidism develops, which can accelerate the metabolism, which manifests itself in:

If any of these symptoms are found, you need to visit the therapist so that he can clarify the diagnosis.

Diagnosis of a pituitary tumor

To identify a tumor, a number of tests are prescribed:

  1. MRI and CT of the brain give a detailed picture of the pituitary gland.
  2. Thanks to ophthalmological research it is possible to evaluate the nature of involvement in the pathological process of visual acuity.
  3. The analysis of blood and urine gives information about the level of hormones that are produced directly by the pituitary gland, or against the background of its adequate or pathological activity.
  4. With the help of an X-ray, increase the nasal sinuses, widen the gap between the teeth and seal the bones of the skull.

Treatment of a pituitary tumor

Depending on the nature of the neoplasm, several methods of combating it are distinguished:

The consequences of removal of the pituitary tumor

After the operation, a gradual return of vision occurs. If the hike to a specialist was delayed, then to return it to its former state is very difficult. However, the operation has a number of negative consequences: