Arthrosis of the shoulder joint - symptoms and treatment

Usually, the destruction and reduction of the production of cartilaginous tissue is provoked by inflammatory processes. But sometimes it is not possible to find out why there was arthrosis of the shoulder joint - the symptoms and treatment in such cases will depend not on the causes of the disease, but on the severity of the symptoms, pain syndrome and the rate of progression of degenerative changes in the cartilage.

Symptoms of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The main symptom of this pathology is pain. It is localized in the center of the shoulder, but can give into the adjacent collarbone and scapula, especially when probing these areas.

At physical exertion or frequent monotonous movements by hand, the pain syndrome increases, around the joint appears swelling, puffiness, the skin turns red and the local temperature rises.

A characteristic feature of arthrosis in the described zone is the impossibility to perform the exercise "lock" - to bring both hands back and to connect the fingers.

With the long absence of therapy and the rapid development of the disease, there is a limited motor activity, a deterioration in sensitivity.

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Conservative approach in the fight against degeneration of cartilage is to take medications from several groups. They are designed to relieve pain syndrome, stop inflammation and gradually restore production and functioning of cartilage tissue and synovial fluid.

Medications for the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint:

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

Effective additional methods of treatment recognized massage, a specialized spa treatment, a set of physical exercises (in the period after relieving the exacerbation).

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint at home

As a rule, the conservative scheme of therapy and so is carried out outside the clinic hospital, hospitalization is necessary only with a strong inflammation and intolerable pain syndrome. Therefore, at home, one can practice the treatment of shoulder arthrosis with folk remedies. These methods are not capable of exerting an intensive effect on the course of the disease, but they perfectly help to relieve the symptoms of pathology and slightly restore the mobility of the hand.

Oatmeal compress:

  1. In two glasses of water, pour 30 grams of washed oatmeal.
  2. Boil the mixture, keep on the fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Leave the mixture until it has cooled to an acceptable temperature.
  4. Fold the gauze in several (4-8) layers, soak it with the resulting solution, grabbing a thick mass.
  5. To put on the injured shoulder, wrap the film.
  6. Remove the compress after 30 minutes.

Also effectively stop the pain of lotion from fresh cabbage juice or leaves.

Alcohol tincture for rubbing:

  1. Dry the roots of elecampane finely chopped.
  2. About 50 grams of raw material to insist on vodka in an amount of 125-130 ml for 14 days.
  3. Strain the mixture, rub the affected joint up to 4 times a day as required.

If the skin is too sensitive to alcohol or prone to irritation, the proposed remedy can be made on water. Its proportions are similar to the volume of vodka, only the roots of elecampane need to be boiled in the liquid, preparing the broth.