Circles under the eyes - reasons

By the color of the circles under the eyes, one can determine their main cause of appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to know at least the most common factors. But, in any case, if at least a little doubts the origin of bruises or are confident that they have appeared because of problems with internal organs, then immediately it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Causes of blue circles under the eyes

Blue circles under the eyes have a lot of reasons for their appearance - from lack of vitamins to more serious diseases.

One of the most common causes of the appearance of blue spots under the eyes is the thin skin of the eyelids. In the lower eyelids there is a large number of both blood and lymph vessels. When the vessels expand, they become more visible, and if the skin is thin, then a lot of blood vessels look like a blue bruise.

Vessels, in turn, can expand for several reasons:

Another common cause of the appearance of blue circles under the eyes is the lack of iron in the body or dehydration . First of all, it refers to women who abuse diets, where meals are prepared from a certain number of foods. A modest diet leads to a lack of all kinds of minerals and vitamins in the body. But it is the lack of iron that causes the blue circles.

Gray circles under the eyes

Gray hollow circles under the eyes have several causes of their appearance and are the result of lymphatic and venous blood disorders. Most often, the main problem lies in fatigue, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption or too fast weight loss. Gray circles look very unhealthy and are extremely difficult to disguise, so when they appear, you should immediately pay attention to your lifestyle.

White circles under the eyes

The cause of the appearance of white circles under the eyes can be only one - a disease of vitiligo. This happens very rarely. Vitiligo is the disappearance of a healthy pigment in certain areas. Most often this is expressed in the form of white spots on the lower eyelids. Green circles under the eyes may also appear, but this is even rarer.

Green circles under the eyes

Green bruises can appear in view of a very innocuous cause - the poor quality of the metal rim of the glasses. The frame is in direct contact with the skin, which can cause a chemical reaction - the release of a green plaque that settles on the bridge of the nose and lower eyelids. Thus, the plaque looks like green circles under the eyes.

Brown circles under the eyes

The causes of the appearance of brown circles under the eyes can be several:

  1. Metabolic disorders . Brown skin tone in the eyelids can indicate problems with the liver or stomach.
  2. Prolonged stress. The influence of a stressful situation entails a violation of sleep, and even a change in the hormonal background of the body. As a consequence - the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  3. Heredity. The tendency to pigmentation is often congenital. In this case, the circles under the eyes are not the cause of any diseases or disorders, and therefore they will accompany you all your life. They can only be masked with cosmetics or whitened regularly.

Red circles under the eyes

The cause of the appearance of red circles under the eyes can be, as an allergic reaction, and problems with the kidneys. The bright red color of the skin is evidence of poor kidney function, so it's worth to see a doctor immediately, since the disease can really be serious.

Also, the lack of fresh air can cause red spots in the lower eyelids.