What helps Biseptolum?

Biseptol is an antibacterial agent that consists of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. These two components allow to stop the multiplication of bacteria in the body and destroy them. The drug is even able to fight with microorganisms resistant to the action of sulfonamide drugs. Biseptol is often prescribed by doctors, but not everyone knows what it helps. That is why it is important to know in what cases the medicine will be useful.

What helps Biseptol tablets?

The drug is effective in detecting E. coli, dysentery, staphylococci and streptococci. But at the same time, tableted Biseptol is not prescribed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, spirochaete and detection of microbacteria of tuberculosis.

The medicine quickly spreads through the body, acting for seven hours.

At what diseases are Biseptol administered?

Many people buy this medicine, even if they do not know if Biseptol will help with angina, cystitis, diarrhea and other ailments. So, the drug is prescribed for:

1. Respiratory tract infections:

2. GI infections:

3. Urinary system infection:

4. Skin infections:

Despite the fact that Biseptol helps even with such diseases as angina and pneumonia, it has a number of contraindications, among which:

Precautionary measures

A medication of this type is usually prescribed by a doctor who describes in detail the process of taking and the amount of medication needed to correct the organism. Sometimes there are situations where patients want to speed up recovery, take the drug in large doses. Usually this has unpleasant consequences, such as:

In some cases fever, crystalluria and hematuria were observed.

With constant intake of a high dose of medication, jaundice or bone marrow depression often develops.

With acute poisoning, nausea, vomiting, headache, depression and depression of bone marrow function develop.

While scientists have not yet been able to find out what exactly the dose of the drug can threaten human life.

In the case of taking too many medications over a long period, chronic poisoning occurs. In this situation, the work of the bone marrow is disrupted, which leads to thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and anemia. If you find any symptoms indicating an overdose of Biseptol:

  1. You just need to stop taking the medication.
  2. Then, measures are taken to remove it from the digestive tract, - gastric lavage is performed , or vomiting is induced by artificial means, no later than two hours after the last intake.
  3. If diuresis is not enough, it is recommended to increase the intake of clean water.
  4. The body needs to enter calcium folinate as soon as possible. Acid medium increases the output of trimethoprim in urine, but there is the risk of converting the sulfonamide into crystals that stop in the kidneys.
  5. It is always necessary to monitor the indications of blood, plasma and other biochemical parameters.

The drug is given with extreme caution in a weighed allergic anamnesis. Will Biseptol help with such a disease? Yes. But there will be undesirable side effects.

With long-term treatment, you need to constantly take blood tests, since there is a high probability of hematological changes.