The third eye in man

According to ancient beliefs, before almost every person had a third eye, but people were very sinful creatures and the gods, being angry, deprived them of this eye. Then people became very vulnerable, because they lost a wonderful gift, and only to the chosen, repentant people, the gods again returned the third eye.

Let's try to figure out what this means, the third eye and was in fact this body, or it's just legends and fictions.

The concept of the third eye

The third eye is really an existing organ, but in most people it is in a state of deep sleep. However, in our days there are many different techniques that help to awaken this eye, and therefore, to bestow a person with unique abilities. This is what the third eye gives:

Where is the third eye?

One of the main versions says that the third eye was in the person in the center of the forehead, after all, it was not for nothing that the eye was depicted on the forehead on the multicolored images in Buddhist temples. However, most modern scientists already agreed that the third eye was located on the top of the head, while it is in this place, the third eye could catch and take energy from space, which filled with unthinkable forces and endowed people with unique extrasensory abilities.

Today, scientists have already proved that even in the womb, the third eye begins to form in the child, it is already born with the lens, all the necessary receptors and nerves, but the older the fetus becomes, the more imperceptibly the third eye becomes and, finally, he generally disappears. However, it does not disappear without a trace, a reminder of this organ is the epiphysis, this is a very small formation in the midbrain region. By the way, if an ordinary person has this very epiphysis of minimal size and weighs less than one tenth of a gram, then this body is much larger in people with extrasensory abilities.