How to summon a gin?

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream about something. Unfortunately, but for many desires they remain unrealizable. To prevent this from happening, you can summon a genie, since the spirit has the ability to realize even the most incredible dreams. To proceed to such magical rituals is only for those who believe that everything will certainly turn out. In general, gin are single and difficult to contact.

Before you call a genie for real, it is worthwhile to figure out who they are and what they are capable of. These magical creatures are created from flame and smoke. They are mentioned in the Qur'an, where it is stated that Allah created the Jinn along with the angels and people. In some sources it is written that gins can be transformed into different animals and humans. Mostly they live in lamps. In other sources, gins are called spirits living in a parallel world. There they find friends, create a family, in general, they do everything that an ordinary person does. The famous scientist E. Lane, keen on studying other worlds, argues that gins can be both good and evil.

To cause a good genie it is necessary to attract him, since he simply will not make contact. The only thing that can interest the spirit - human emotions , because he can not independently develop them. Before the ritual, promise that you will share happiness after the fulfillment of the cherished desire. It is recommended to create in a room a habitual for gin atmosphere: throw a bright veil, spread out small pillows, put treats and fruits.

How can you call a gin with a lamp?

This option is considered the simplest and most common. If there is no antique lamp, then you can use your grandmother's lamp or, in extreme cases, an ordinary vase. Close your eyes and imagine that there is a gin in the lamp. Then concentrate on your own desire and rub the lamp. Do not wait for the spirit to appear. Having made the right message, you can go to bed. An important recommendation is that you do not have to think about the dream anymore, because such thoughts will distract the genie. The time of realization of desire depends on the strength of faith and on the kind of gin that came into contact. When the conceived will come to pass, be sure to thank the genie and ask for a wish. The maximum number of requests is 3.

How to summon a gin without a lamp?

There is a magical way that will allow you to come into contact with the spirit. To do this, you must have a bottle or a vessel of copper, a cat's tail, a lead cap, resin and indigo paint. Take the vessel and put a tail and a few drops of paint into it. Close your eyes, think about your desire and invite the genie into the prepared vessel. Repeat the request 33 times. Then close the vessel. Calling out the genie of desires, say that you will pour it with boiling pitch, as this will frighten him, which means that the request will be executed quickly.

How easy is it to summon a gin in the afternoon?

Before you start the ritual, think about the desire and clearly formulate it. Then go to the store and buy jeans that you really like. When you come home, put them on, think about your desire and rub your left knee three times. Thus, a signal is sent to help the gin. It is recommended to go through these jeans in the end of the day.

All the rituals aimed at provoking the genie of fulfilling desire are more comic, since the most important thing is visualization and belief that everything will turn out. In fact, a person can do miracles himself if he realizes that he is capable of it. If the desire and message are strong, then the universe will certainly help in the realization of the cherished dream.