Anthurium: transplantation

It turns out that the flowers from the hot tropics are not so capricious. They are happy to live on the home window sill, delighting their owners with a luxurious view and rapid flowering even in winter. An example of this - at least an anturium, or, as it is called, male happiness. Just need to know some nuances of caring for him. And today we will talk about the most important thing - how to properly transplant an anthurium flower so that it does not fall ill and do not wither.

Anthurium flower: get acquainted with "male happiness"

But before talking about the secrets and rules of transplantation, let's get acquainted with the anthurium. The homeland of this wonderful flower is the tropics and subtropics of central and southern America. According to botanists, anthurium is represented in more than eight hundred species. But, despite such diversity, all plants of this family are quite large. Their leaves, similar to an arrow or heart, reach a length of 40 cm, and the cobweblike inflorescence of white, yellow or pink flowers lengthens the plant even more. Completes all this splendor luxurious, heart-shaped veil of white, red or mottled color. Beautiful, is not it?

Why is an anturium, about the transplantation of which we will soon begin to speak, is called male happiness? After all, flowers are the prerogative of women's society. It's all about symbolism. It is commonly believed that our exotic beauties embody the male power, courage, dexterity, courage, in general, all that the men of the stronger sex are so proud of. And, incidentally, give this flower to the ladies and precisely to the cavaliers. This is such an unusual floral balancing act.

How to transplant Anthurium?

Well, here we went to an anthurium transplant. Do it best in the spring, in March-April, when the plant rested and gained strength. Also it should be remembered that the roots of this flower are rather fragile, so it is necessary to divide it into separate parts carefully. In addition, you need to take care of the right dishes and ground mixture, because the anthurium has its own characteristics. Its roots lie on the surface in breadth, and the soil it loves loose, soft, with good drainage and air aeration.

Which vase to choose for our capricious? For a plant with 5 leaves, a vessel with a diameter of 7-9 cm and a depth of 10-12 cm is suitable. The soil should include sand, humus, pieces of moss, pine needles, turf, brick crumbs or small stones, a leaf component, in general, a mixture of organic matter and a drainage component. By the way, both the vase and the ground before transplantation must be carefully processed.

If the pot is clay, it can be baked in the oven or beat several times with steep boiling water. If it is made of plastic, it is thoroughly washed with hot water and soap, and then rinsed well. The earth can be treated either by heat or cold. In the first case, it is spread on a metal baking sheet in a layer of 5 cm and sent to the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C. 10 minutes of this bath is enough. In the second variant, the earth is also scattered by a layer of 5-6 cm and is brought out to frost for 2-3 hours. But remember, the temperature in the street should not be below 10 ° C.

When the dishes and the earth are ready, we begin the transplant. We take our anthurium and, carefully brushing off the old earth from the roots, plant it in a new soil. Remember that the roots must spread along the surface, and too much the plant does not bury. The main thing is to give it stability, water it, and then it will manage itself. If the plant is already grown and overgrown, then before transplanting it should be carefully divided into 2-3 bushes and each planted in its vase. Young plants undergo transplantation once a year, and more adults every 2-3 years.

When can I transplant an anturium?

Now there are two words about the signs that it is time to transplant the anthurium. Option one: taking the plant out of the pot, you can estimate the degree of braiding of the roots of an earthy coma. If the earth clod is densely wrapped around the roots, and the land is almost not crumbled, it's time to transplant.

Option two: pick up the pot from the pallet and examine the hole to drain excess liquid. If the roots are sticking out from there, this is a sure signal that the present pot is small. And the third eloquent signal to change the soil and transplant will be whitish plaque on the surface of the soil. As you can see, transplanting anthurium is not so difficult. A little patience, and you can please your beloved man with an original gift.