Warm and cold colors

The correct selection of colors is a guarantee that clothes or cosmetics will always decorate you. "Alien" colors can add age, give the skin an unhealthy appearance, hide ugly hair and eyes. While "your" palette will highlight the skin, it will emphasize the natural blush and the pigment of the lips. To learn how to choose colors for yourself, you need to understand how they differ.

All the shades that surround us are derived from the three main ones: red, blue and yellow. Mixing them gives us colors of the second order - orange, green and violet. And with their help you can get any tone from the spectrum.

How to identify cold and warm colors?

The most primitive classifications suggest to consider as warm shades the entire yellow-orange-red part of the color circle, while the cold ones are blue-green-purple. This is not entirely true, because such pure colors are found, as a rule, only in pictures. In practice, everything is different: clothing designers, for example, tend to use interesting, complex, mixed options. The difference between cold and warm shades of colors is what each of them has: a cool blue or warm orange.

It is important to understand and remember that any color - blue, violet or red - can be warmer or colder, and you can choose the shade individually in each case.

What are these warm colors?

  1. In yellow: mustard, sea-buckthorn, curry, saffron, amber, sulphurous yellow, sunflower, honey and egg yolk.
  2. In red: brick, coral, copper-red, fiery red, tomato, poppy-red, cinnabar, pomegranate and the like.
  3. In green: olive, khaki, pear, lime, myrtle, the color of green peas, forest greens and others.
  4. In blue: sky blue, petrol, moray eel, cornflower blue, turquoise, protective blue, sea wave and so on.

What are these cold colors?

  • In yellow: lemon, yellow chartreuse, straw or pale, and so on.
  • In red: crimson, wine, purple, burgundy, cherry, raspberry, ruby, alizarin and others.
  • In green: emerald, malachite, coniferous green, smoky gray-green, bottle and others.
  • In blue: sapphire, cobalt, indigo, azure blue, ultramarine , icy blue.
  • Color types of appearance and color

    To determine which, warm or cold, colors in clothes are suitable for you, you need to understand which of the four color types you belong to:

    Spring . Warm color-type . People of this type have light, transparent, bronze-golden or ivory leather. Eyes, as a rule, are blue, green or nutty. Hair can range from light to shaten: it can be straw, honey-copper or golden-brown curls.

    Autumn . The second warm color. Leather - from transparent white to slightly golden. Eyes can be both light blue, and the entire golden brown range (amber, brown, red, and so on). The hair of "autumn" also includes warm shades: copper-gold, red and red-chestnut and the like.

    Winter . This cold color is distinguished by an impeccable porcelain skin, which almost always has a bluish subtle. Eyes - all shades of icy blue, gray or brown (there are, however, and green). Hair is always contrasting, dark (from dense chestnut to blue-black).

    Summer . Representatives of this color type have dairy, pale or olive skin, but always with a cold podtonom. Eyes "cool": gray, gray-blue, light green. Hair can be light-brown, also with an ashy tinge. But even if the "summer" curls are dark, the "red" in them is still not there - like the "winters", they will always be traced to a silvery-gray base.