Winter wardrobe from Evelina Khromchenko

In the modern world, the appearance of a person is of great importance, because this is one of the important tools in the field of achieving success. With the arrival of cold weather, the most urgent issue for most women is the question: what should I wear to look stylish and elegant, because it's quite difficult to create a bright and interesting image in warm things.

Answering this question, let's listen to the opinion of a magnificent and elegant woman - Evelina Khromchenko, who is not only a journalist, writer and TV presenter, but also a well-known expert and consultant in the fashion world.

What you should pay attention to

When compiling a winter wardrobe, Evelina Khromchenko recommends using the same principles as when composing a basic wardrobe, namely:

The basics of the winter wardrobe from Evelina Khromchenko

  1. Firstly, you should have two types of outerwear: for warm weather and for severe frosts. For example, it can be a sheepskin coat and a light down jacket. Here the main thing is to ensure that they are combined in style and color with other things.
  2. Making up a wardrobe for the winter, Evelina Khromchenko recommends special attention to give shoes. For a cold season, you should definitely have three pairs of shoes: very warm and comfortable for winter frosts, stable on a flat sole for ice and an elegant pair of high-heeled boots for evening activities.
  3. Cashmere beige cardigan with a V-neck, as well as a black turtleneck must be mandatory components of the winter wardrobe.
  4. An excellent investment is the purchase of a warm winter dress, which will emphasize your dignity and allow you to feel yourself on top.
  5. The ideal winter wardrobe from Evelina Khromchenko should also contain gloves, stoles, hats and scarves that will not only perfectly warm in any bad weather, but also make any outfit extraordinary.