When the head opens in the boys?

Many parents are concerned about such a delicate issue as the opening of the glans penis in boys. And if the fathers are more or less in the know and know what's what for, then some moms just panic. Is it really that important and why does it happen that the head does not open?

How should the head open for boys?

As a rule, in boys from birth, the skin of the foreskin is fused with the glans penis with special gentle spikes - synechiae, which do not allow the head to open completely or completely eliminate its free excretion. This anatomical structure is called physiological phimosis, it has a temporary character and is within the norm for boys of an early age. Gradually, during puberty and with the growth of the penis, the foreskin slowly separates from the head and an opening occurs.

When the head opens in the boys?

If we talk about the age at which the head opens in boys, then it should be noted that everything depends on many different factors, including the development rates of each individual child. Proceeding from this it follows that there are no definite norms regarding the age category and this process can occur in boys at different ages.

Medical observations show that only 4% of newborns have extreme flesh enough to move the glans penis. Approximately 20% of boys have this at the age of 6 months. And by the age of 3-4 years the foreskin is freely displaced in 90% of the children of the stronger sex, which allows to open the head of the penis completely and unimpeded.

How to open the head for boys?

If your child is quietly urinating, he has nothing to complain about, and his penis is not red and not sore, then no action should be taken, and even more so to open the head violently. This part of the body is rich in nerve endings and all manipulations are rather painful. And unsuccessful attempts to open the head alone can lead to the development of paraphimosis, which always requires surgical intervention.

Thus, all that is required of you is just to monitor the hygiene of the male body. During bathing, the cavity of the extremely flesh is washed naturally. In addition, the penis and scrotum should be washed with a special baby soap at least once a week, without ever opening the head of the penis. Also, do not forget about the rules of washing the boys - with each bowel movement or a simple change of the baby's diaper, it is necessary to wash in the direction from front to back.

What if the child does not open at all or does the head open badly?

Some boys may experience pathological phimosis. This disease requires compulsory treatment, because in the future it can lead to the fact that during erection, the boy will have pain and discomfort. Moreover, if you do not take the necessary action before the start of sexual activity, then the sexual intercourse will be difficult or completely impossible.

In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary. Indication for the operation can be:

Modern medicine knows several methods of surgical intervention. The most common is circular excision of the foreskin and this operation is performed under general anesthesia. This method makes it possible to eliminate the morphological substrate of phimosis forever.