Aquadetrim for newborns

A newborn baby requires special care and care. In addition to feeding, swaddling and bathing, parents should monitor the health of crumbs. A growing organism needs vitamin D, thanks to which calcium and phosphorus are digested - microelements that contribute to the proper development of the baby's skeletal system. Unfortunately, breast milk does not contain enough vitamin D, and the sun - a natural "supplier" of this substance - does not happen all year round. Lack of vitamin leads to such consequences as rickets, osteoporosis. Therefore, when visiting a pediatrician's office, a mother is advised to buy a drug with vitamin D in the pharmacy. Many are lost, not knowing what to choose: an oil or aqueous solution of vitamin D - aquaderim or fish oil. Since the second is absorbed by the newborn's body worse, it is better to pay attention to the drug on a water basis. And the first thing that interests new mums, they buy a code aquaderim, how to give it to breasts?

Aquadetrym - application

Akvadetrim is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets, because it stabilizes calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. The active substance in this preparation is colcalciferol, or vitamin D3. This synthetic vitamin is similar to that produced in the human body as a result of a photochemical reaction when exposed to sunlight.

The drug is available in the form of drops contained in a dark bottle. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator, and give it - in the morning. The dosage of the vitamin is set individually for each child, taking into account the general condition of the body, the time of the year, and also the type of feeding.

For preventive purposes, pediatricians and orthopedists usually recommend taking aquadetrim from September to May, when solar activity is reduced. During this period, newborns are prescribed 1-2 drops of colcalciferol per day. In the summer, when the sun's radiation is quite intense, one drop of vitamin D3 is enough for a baby.

Children living in unfavorable terrain, preterm infants and twins are prescribed 2-3 drops of aquadetry per day. Taking aquadetrim with artificial feeding should be discussed with a pediatrician to avoid an overdose, as some mixtures already contain vitamin D.

Breastfedi, in whom rickets developed, to treat the disease should be given from 4 to 10 drops per day. The exact dosage depends on the degree of development of rickets.

Most often parents are concerned with the question, to what age should they give aquadetry? Pediatricians recommend taking it up to 2 years.

When using aquadetry, an overdose is usually unlikely. With individual sensitivity to the drug may cause vomiting and nausea, headache, irritability, frequent urination. Often, mothers complain of the appearance of constipation in a baboon when taking aquadetry.

The reaction to the aquatic diet

Any vitamins are a medicine for which the child's organism reacts in its own way. Since the drug has ancillary substances (sucrose, flavor, etc.), it is possible to develop allergies to aquadetrim. Most often, parents note the appearance when taking aquadritim - rash. In addition, the side effects of this vitamin include headache, decreased appetite, dry skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, thirst, etc.

If your child drank aquadeter and his behavior became different, or if unusual reactions of the body appeared, be sure to inform the pediatrician. Most likely, this form of vitamin D is not suitable for your baby and you will be offered to change the water solution of vitamin D to oil.

The use of the above-described medication for newborns is possible only under the supervision of a physician.