Hiccups in newborns after feeding - what to do?

From the very moment of birth, the baby puzzles its parents with numerous questions: when to feed, how to dress properly, how much you can walk. One such question: hiccups in newborns after feeding - what to do in this situation, especially if it does not stop for a long time and begins to irritate the baby.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding

Deviations from the standard condition of the baby cause panic attacks in inexperienced parents. They want to know why the newborn has a hiccup to help the baby. It takes a while to watch your baby to notice when he hiccups more. In addition, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of occurrence of these involuntary sounds.

The tummy from the chest is separated with a muscle tissue - diaphragm. With its stimulation or irritation, the immature children's body reacts with spasm. All this is accompanied by a sound, like a click. Having no information how to stop a hiccup in a newborn, any young mother feels incompetent, and the baby feels Mom's anxiety, and a vicious circle turns out. You can help a baby, and do it simply by possessing the right information.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding - reasons

Although the hiccup does not bring the baby anxious, but parents want to know thoroughly why the hiccups of newborns, the reasons for its appearance. It occurs mainly immediately after feeding. This means that it is necessary to understand what went wrong in the feeding process and caused convulsive spasm of the diaphragm:

  1. Overeating is the most common cause of hiccups. This happens in those mothers who are fed, strictly following the regime. The child drinks and drinks with air.
  2. A strong tide of milk from a nursing woman helps the air to enter the baby's digestive tract. The child does not have time to swallow large portions at the beginning of feeding, choking, opens the mouth and the stomach is filled with air bubbles.
  3. An unsuitable hole in the nipple, in addition to the mixture, lets in air, which gradually fills the ventricle.
  4. Active children, who always eat as if they have not eaten for many hours, are at risk of hiccough.
  5. If the child is not properly applied to the breast, when the mouth is not the whole areola, together with the milk, he will swallow unnecessary air.
  6. When, after eating with the baby, they immediately started doing gymnastics or began to change clothes, a sharp change in the position of the body instead of rest often provokes hiccups.

Frequent hiccups in newborns - causes

If mom and dad can not understand why the hiccups of newborns arise for no reason, the reason for it may be just a low air temperature in the room. Even slightly frozen, the kids immediately begin to hiccup, until they get warm. In addition to freezing, children still suffer from excessive emotionality. Something badly upset the baby or he was suddenly scared - this provokes a hiccup, which basically ends on its own within an hour.

More often it looks like this - the baby has been playing for five minutes and calmed down. If such a hiccup is repeated every day and at the same time the food is properly adjusted, and the baby stubbornly hiccups for a long time, it makes sense to consult the doctor. Official medicine considers a long hiccup if it lasts for two days. Up to three months of age - this is normal for a baby. If parents know how to stop a hiccup in a newborn, but the results of their actions are not given, bringing discomfort to the child, then you should consult your family doctor. He will send a small patient to:

Hiccups in newborns - what to do?

Eliminate the convulsive twitching of the diaphragm, which often worries parents, not the baby itself, if you find out the reasons for its appearance. Understanding them, you can get an answer to the burning question - how to stop a hiccup in a newborn. Basically, you need simple, accessible to every mother action, which allows you to protect your baby from such annoying trouble.

Remedy for hiccups in newborns

When spasms of the diaphragm are not caused by overeating, but arose on the nerves, the following method will help. Not only folk medicine, but also practicing children's doctors recommend this proven method how to save a newborn from hiccups. It will take two components - water and chamomile herb:

How to stop a hiccup in a newborn after eating?

The child ate and immediately began to hiccup, while regurgitating not only the excess milk, but also what should be absorbed. In this case, you should be aware that the hiccup after a meal in a newborn is caused, mainly, by the ingress of air into the digestive tract. The same air then provokes painful colic of the intestine. So, eliminating the problem of hiccups, you can affect the condition of the tummy. To help the little one stop hiccups:

How to prevent a hiccup in a newborn?

So, adults caring for an infant will need to know how to avoid hiccups in a newborn after feeding, which mostly arises from the wrong technique. Therefore it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance, for this purpose it is necessary: