Fish for children up to 1 year

Fish is a valuable protein product that contains all the amino acids necessary for the child's body, a unique vitamin complex (F, A, D, E) in combination with useful fish oil and minerals important for healthy metabolism (iodine, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, iron, fluorine, etc.).

For children up to a year, low-fat varieties of fish - hake, cod, pike perch, pollock, makrus, blue whiting, pike, mullet, catfish, Baltic herring, etc., will do.

When can I start giving the baby a fish?

Introduce fish into the child's menu, according to the recommendations of dietitians, can not be earlier than 9-10 months. Do this only after the baby has fully mastered meat products. Remember that fish is the strongest allergen, so you need to use it with extreme caution. Begin feeding should be from 5-10 grams per day. Watching the reaction of the baby's body, gradually increase the dose. The maximum daily rate of fish consumption for a one-year-old child is 70 grams. A healthy child is recommended not to give it more than 2 times a week. Distribute the "fish" and "meat" days, as taking two of these products at once during the day will create a greater load on the digestive system of the baby. Give fish broth to children under 3 years is generally not recommended, because of the low nutritional value and the content of harmful substances released during cooking.

As a rule, an allergy in a child can be both for the whole fish, without exception, and for certain of its varieties. At the first signs of diathesis, the child needs to take a two-week break, completely eliminating fish dishes from the diet. After the manifestations of the allergy subsided, try to re-enter in the menu some other kind of fish. Do this the same way as the first time, gradually, starting at 5-10 grams per day. Even in the absence of an allergic reaction, do not exceed recommended daily intake rates.

How to cook fish for a child?

  1. Defrost the fish in salted water.
  2. It is very important to carefully trim and remove all the bones, even if you buy a ready-made fillet.
  3. Cooking fish should be steamed or boiled in a small amount of water
  4. Brew fish should be 10-15 minutes, if the pieces are small and 20-25 minutes, if the fish is cooked entirely.

Simple and useful recipes for fish dishes for children under one year old

  1. Fish puree. Filleted lean fish (100 g) cook until ready and grind with a blender. Add milk (1 tsp) and vegetable oil (1 tsp) and mix. The resulting mass of boiling for a couple of minutes.
  2. Fish pudding. From boiled potatoes (1 pc.), Milk (2-3 tablespoons)
  3. and vegetable oil (2 tsp) we make a mash. Add the ready-made fish fillet (100 g), pre-chop it, and beat the egg with egg (½ pcs.). Mix everything and put it into the mold. We cook for a couple or a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Fish meatballs. Fish fillet (60 g) and soaked white bread (10 g), grind through a meat grinder 2-3 times, add egg yolk (1/4 pcs.), Salt, vegetable oil (1 tsp) and mix well. We form small balls from the resulting mass, fill them with water (up to half) and simmer for about 30 minutes. on a small fire.

After a year, the child can be offered a more varied menu of fish dishes.