A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night

The dark time of the day is necessary for adults and children to replenish their energy during sleep. But if a babe of 9 months often wakes up at night, her mother accumulates fatigue, and it becomes more difficult for her to cope with her duties. It is necessary to try to find a way out of this situation in order to normalize the baby's sleep.

The fact that a child of 9 months does not sleep well at night does not always mean that he is screaming for hours in the dark. The situation can be cardinally opposite - the kid is calm, and simply does not want to sleep, but wants to play and spend time with his mother and put it almost impossible within a few hours.

For some children, superficial sleep is the norm and so can last up to three to five years, but it is rather an exception to the rules. Such a child, and at 9 and 18 months, toggles all night and often wakes up. There are several ways that you can recommend to use Mom to improve the quality of a baby's sleep.

To combat night vigils and tantrums, it is important to understand the reason why a baby of 9 months often wakes up at night. After all, sometimes it happens that eliminating a seemingly insignificant problem, we suddenly get the desired result without much effort.

Overexcitation of the nervous system

The main factor that most often affects the quality of sleep is too high a child's activity in the evening. It's absurd to think that the more energy a child spends, the stronger he will get tired and will be stronger to sleep.

The family needs to radically revise their way of life, cancel noisy parties with guests, and instead give preference to evening walks. Even if the child does not watch TV, his presence in the room irritates the eyes and ears, straining the nervous system, which subsequently results in a bad dream.

It is taken before bedtime to bathe the baby in a warm bath, but it is not recommended for especially excitable children, and it will be better to transfer the bathing time to the morning hours. Time before bedtime is best to devote to quiet games, viewing children's books and walks.

Hungry baby

For children on artificial feeding, a dense dinner will be relevant. After all, if a child is hungry or thirsty, then there can be no talk of a strong dream. But you can not feed a baby at night, because it is a big load on the digestive system. It is better to arrange for him a satisfying last feeding, and at night, if absolutely necessary, you can only give him a drink of water.

If an infant is breastfed for 9 months all night, this is also not very good. At night, he does it not for saturation, but for calming, using mom instead of nipples. In this situation, after a five-minute sucking, you should gently pull the nipple out of the child's mouth.

Confused time

Some moms wonder why a child of 9 months does not sleep well at night and wakes up every hour, while in the daytime he gets a good sleep. The problem lies in the fact that during the day time too much time is left for the child to sleep.

For a day the kid has time to have a rest, and by the evening starts to frolic, and even if mum it is possible to put it, the dream happens short. For such kids it is recommended to reduce the time of daytime sleep, and after a while his schedule will come back to normal.

In order for a child to sleep soundly throughout the night, fresh air is needed in a room with a temperature of no more than 22 ° C, tightly closed curtains, absence of extraneous noise and a beloved mother nearby.