Activated charcoal for diarrhea

Activated carbon is a natural sorbent that has been used by people for a very long time. Many people know that it is the first agent for food poisoning , as it removes toxins and harmful substances, but along with them, also useful - vitamins and bacteria.

Thus, activated charcoal contains benefit and danger - on the one hand, the body is cleansed, and on the other, it is cleaned completely, at the same time, that should not be excreted from the body.

To find out how effective coal can be with diarrhea, one must understand its "method of work".

Will coal help with diarrhea?

Activated charcoal helps with diarrhea due to the fact that it acts by the method of adsorption. Coal collects its substance harmful components, and thus concentrates them, after which they are excreted from the body naturally.

To say finally, whether activated charcoal helps with diarrhea, it is possible only by knowing the cause of diarrhea.

So, most often the disorder of the stool is caused by poisoning - a harmful microflora develops, fermentation occurs, and diarrhea arises. In this case, activated charcoal is very effective, because it will collect harmful substances and withdraw from the body during the day. In this case, you need to drink enough coal, so that the cleansing is complete.

But if the cause of diarrhea are viruses or a violation of microflora after taking antibacterial drugs, then activated charcoal may be ineffective. The fact is that in this case they can aggravate the situation, because coal cleans not only harmful substances, but also useful bacteria, the task of which is to prevent diarrhea or constipation. And if harmful bacteria and substances that occur during poisoning did not take part in the disease, the last forces remaining in the intestine will be suppressed with the help of a sorbent. In this case, reception of probiotics and antiviral drugs that will improve immunity and enable the body to cope with the problem on its own is much more effective.

Activated charcoal - dosage with diarrhea

With diarrhea, it is necessary to take large doses of activated carbon - three times a day in amounts, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

The intensive course can be applied not for long, not more than 7-10 days, since active weight loss and exhaustion can occur. After any course, the sorbent needs to take probiotics containing beneficial bacteria, which during the reception of coal are released together with harmful substances.

It is necessary to drink activated charcoal with a lot of water - this is an obligatory point, which will allow the coal to act more effectively. If you ignore it, it will not allow the particles of coal to dissolve enough and spread throughout the intestines.

Diarrhea after activated carbon - what to do?

If diarrhea occurred after taking activated charcoal, then this is either a method of cleansing the body, or coal was taken out of place - for example, with the development of a viral intestinal infection or with dysbiosis.

In this case, it is best to let the body clean, but if diarrhea is severe, use Lediumum or Smecta. Smectus can be given even to small children, it is a harmless drug, which, however, can lead to constipation.

Activated charcoal and pregnancy

During diarrhea during pregnancy, you can use activated charcoal, or you can use more modern drugs - Smektu or Enterosgel. In any case, after taking any sorbent, a woman needs probiotics and enhanced nutrition to accumulate useful substances and bacteria that are excreted from the body with activated charcoal.

It is undesirable to use in the presence of hypovitaminosis , and it is also forbidden - with peptic ulcer and bleeding. If you are addicted to constipation, activated carbon should be used with caution.