Omarone - indications for use

The central nervous system in the body is responsible for the normal activity of the brain, intellectual functions. Omaron is often prescribed to treat diseases associated with worsening of her work - indications for the use of this medication include an extensive list of pathologies of cerebral circulation and even such serious disorders as ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke.

Treatment with Omaron

The drug in question is a combined nootropic agent that contains two active ingredients, pyracetam and cinnarizine. This causes an additional vasodilating and antihypoxic effect.

Pyracetam, in addition, has an intensive neuroprotective, membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effect, increases efficiency, normalizes memory, cognitive functions, reduces the severity of symptoms of mental and neurological pathologies. This component improves the inter-neuronal transmission of impulses, metabolic processes in the brain tissue, regional blood flow and microcirculation of blood in the sites exposed to ischemia. This is due to the fact that piracetam increases the resistance of brain cells to oxygen deficiency, not allowing them to break down, and also speeds up the excretion and utilization of glucose.

Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker that produces an antihistamine, vasodilating and sedative effect. It allows to lower the tone of the vascular walls, sympathetic nervous system, vestibular apparatus excitability. Also, cinnarizine significantly improves coronary and peripheral blood circulation, rheological properties of blood, reduces its viscosity, stimulates vasodilation after ischemia, increases the elasticity of the erythrocyte membrane and their ability to deform.

Indications for use of medicine Omaron

Typically, the described drug is used in the therapy of people suffering from diseases of the central nervous system of various origins, which are accompanied with deterioration of the cerebral circulation.

The drug Omaron finds application in such cases:

Also, the use of Omaron tablets is advisable in order to prevent kinetosis ( motion sickness syndrome) and migraine headaches. In the first case, the drug can reduce the irritating effect of an unusual movement on the vestibular apparatus and prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms as nausea and dizziness. When migraine, Omaron prevents spasmodic blood vessel walls, their narrowing and increased blood pressure, hypoxia. The drug used regularly prevents even the appearance of aura, visual pathologies and significantly reduces the severity of systemic signs of the disease (general fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, ringing or tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting).