Serum from the viper bite

The site of the viper bite is indicated by two blood points from poisonous teeth. There is a strong pain that quickly builds up, the place of the bite turns red, the skin swells above the wound. 15-20 minutes after the bite, the head begins to spin and get sore, the body becomes sluggish, nausea may appear, sometimes vomiting opens, and shortness of breath occurs. The venom of the viper has a blood-curling and local necrotic effect. The most dangerous thing is if the viper bites into the neck or head.

First aid with a viper bite

After biting a person, it is necessary to transport as quickly as possible to the health center, but before that it is important to provide first aid, which is as follows:

  1. It is important for the victim to immediately lay down and not allow to move, as during movement the poison will spread more quickly by blood. If it's a hand or a leg, you need to fix the limb in a semi-bent state.
  2. That part of the body on which the bite fell, raise it higher.
  3. Do not apply a tourniquet above the bite. So do with the bite of a cobra, but not a viper.
  4. The patient should drink a lot, preferably water, but not coffee or tea (and in no case - not alcohol).
  5. Immediately begin to suck off the poison, but only if there is no wound in the mouth. The procedure should be 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water. Suck off the poison before the appearance of swelling at the site of the bite.
  6. Then treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and apply a tight sterile bandage.
  7. It is advisable to give 1-2 antiallergenic tablets ( Suprastin , Dimedrol, Tavegil).

Instructions for the use of serum from a viper bite

In the first-aid post, the victim is injected with an antidote, which is called - serum against the viper bite:

  1. After a viper bite, the serum should be injected as quickly as possible.
  2. Usually, the serum is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly into any part of the body, but with severe consequences, the serum is administered intravenously.
  3. The dose of injection should correspond to the severity of the condition of the victim, otherwise you can do more harm than the snake's bite itself. One dose contains 150 antitoxic units (AE). At an easy degree defeat the poison administered 1-2 doses, in severe cases - 4-5.

Features of the use of serum from a viper bite

Antidote is a yellowish or colorless liquid concentrated solution for injection. It consists of immunoglobulins of horse blood serum. Serum is hyperimmunized with viper venom, purified and concentrated.

Contraindication is the development of anaphylactic shock with the introduction of small doses.

Serum can also not be injected if the liquid in the ampoule is cloudy or the ampoule is cracked.