At what cough to take Erespal?

There are quite a few varieties of anti-inflammatory cough drugs, including Erespal. Some of them are designed to suppress this symptom, others contribute to liquefaction of sputum and expectoration. Among such a variety of medicines and instructions to them, it's easy to get confused, so most patients do not know what cough to take Erespal, and in what cases it is better to stop using this medication.

What kind of cough does Erespal help?

The main active ingredient of the preparation in question is fenspiride hydrochloride. This substance produces a rapid anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, syrup and tablets from cough Erespal have antiexudative, myotropic and antispasmodic effect. This means that the medicament prevents the development of bronchial mucosa secretions, and also prevents the spastic narrowing of their lumen. The described effects are achieved due to the fact that fenspiride hydrochloride reduces the production of several biologically active compounds in the body:

There is also blocking of alpha-adrenergic receptors and H1-receptors, which are responsible for the response of immunity to contact with irritants.

Given the above information, it can be concluded that Erespal helps from dry cough, provoked by not releasing excess sputum in the bronchi, but by inflammatory processes of various origins.

In what cases is Erespal prescribed for dry cough?

Before starting therapy with this medication, it is important to establish that the cough is dry. To do this, listen to the lungs and bronchus with a stethoscope for wheezing. If they are clean, then you can apply Erespal. As a rule, he is prescribed for the following pathologies:

Moreover, the drug is effective for the treatment of other ENT organs, for example, otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis . It is used as the main anti-inflammatory agent in the standard complex antibiotic therapy.

Can I drink Erespal for an allergic cough?

As you know, an allergic reaction occurs due to the formation of histamine in the body after the mucous membranes begin to come into contact with stimuli from the outside. This drug effectively blocks H1 receptors, which are responsible for the production of histamine cells.

It is known that Erespal well helps and with allergies, especially in his indications are bronchial asthma - one of the manifestations of this pathology. But experts argue that anti-inflammatory medication is best used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, than a dry cough. Especially it concerns the liquid form of the Erespal (syrup) release, in the composition of which there is para-hydroxybenzoate. This substance itself is capable of provoking severe immune responses, such as Quincke's edema, urticaria.

Thus, Erespal can sometimes be drunk to stop the attacks of dry allergic cough, but only in a solid dry form (tablets) and, preferably, after consulting a doctor.