How to develop a child in 10 months?

In the first year of life the baby grows very quickly and every month, both for him and for the parents, is a time of new discoveries and opportunities. How to develop a child in 10 months, and what to think up fun for the baby on their own - tips from psychologists and teachers will help.

Physical development, or what can your baby?

At this age, all the children comprehend the new in different ways: some already begin to walk and pronounce the first meaningful words, while others cautiously stand in the arena, holding on to the support, and silently look at their parents. There is no uniform methodology how to develop a child in 10-11 months, but there are general recommendations that will make it possible to get the most out of the lessons with the baby. Depending on how the child moves, you can come up with an interesting leisure.

  1. If the baby creeps.
  2. Put on the floor objects of different shapes, sizes and textures. It may not be necessarily toys, you can take something from the kitchen, for example, a ladle, or ask the pope for a big nut. All this crumb will be considered with interest, developing, not only the muscular corset, but also memory, imagination and fine motor skills of the hands.

  3. If the child is already walking.
  4. For children who walk, it will be interesting to practice unfastening magnets from the refrigerator or tearing off small colored stickers from the cabinet door. Here will be involved fine motor skills, attention, vision.

  5. If the baby is standing, holding the support.
  6. And for the guys who still do not want to part with the arena and are ready to stand still for a while, you can organize leisure with the help of Doman cards. They will help to develop in a child in 10 months, as speech, and memory, vision, attention.

Toys for the development of babies

Now, good and quality products for kids are very expensive. To save a little money, you can make toys yourself, which will develop the baby no worse than store. The most popular to date is the fun "Magic Boxes".

For their manufacture, it is necessary to prepare small multi-colored cardboard boxes with lids, having enclosed in them various objects in structure. This can be cotton wool, pieces of paper, beans, etc. After that, the cover is tightly put on the lid and an opening is made for the baby's finger. Such fun allows a 10-month-old child to develop both tactile perception and imagination. In addition, the boxes are unlikely to quickly bore the child, because their contents can always be changed.

What else can you do with the baby?

In addition, correctly develop a child in 10 months will help as colorful books with small quatrains, which are very good for attention and memory, and finger paints. Kids of this age respond well to bright colors, so they will be interested in drawing palms. Parents need to be prepared for the fact that after finishing drawing, they will find the paint not only on a sheet of paper, but also on a table with a chair, a floor, and also on the artist himself. However, the first drawings - this is something for which it is worth to survive, albeit not the most "clean" hours in the life of your child.