When does the child begin to speak?

While the child is still in the wheelchair, his parents can not wait for their child to stand on the legs and run. As long as the child does not speak, Mom and Dad only want him to speak quickly and tell about all that intimate, about which he is still silent.

Strange as it may seem, as soon as the child begins to master the space with his timid dashes, Mom realizes that it was easier with the baby lying in the stroller ... And as soon as the baby starts talking without stopping, the parents understand that now they will talk in the presence of the child extremely difficult. Since the child not only "grabs" all the words and expressions of an adult, but also strives to comment on the slightest incident.

So if your child is still silent, there's nothing to worry about. If you communicate with him sufficiently, read books to him, develop small motor skills, no doubt, when the baby decides to speak, he will probably be able to say even more of his peers who spoke earlier.

When does the child begin to speak well?

Answering this question, first of all it is necessary to understand what is "good" to say? Some parents think that this happens when the child begins to speak aga, others - when he begins to speak syllables, the third - when the child begins to talk to his mother, and many believe that only when he starts talking in phrases.

It is believed that a strong leap in language development is made by a child in the second half of the second year of life. That's when he should start using about 100 words. However, in practice it turns out that a child of this age can speak only about 10 words, but at the age of three, speak "freely" using complex verbs as well as changing nouns with cases.

Speech development of some children is done progressively (from simple to complex), others - spasmodically. In order to guess what type of child your child is, it is best to ask the grandparents of the child how the speech development of their children went. Since most often the features of speech development are inherited. And if the father of the child began to speak late, with a high degree of probability, the child himself will speak too late.

How to help a child start talking?

How can you help a child talk fast?

  1. Rule one. Answer the baby. As soon as he begins to agukat, lying in his carriage, pick up his interest, sing "along with him" a song, tell the verse in response.
  2. Rule two. Comment on everything that happens in everyday life. Tell us where, what is in your apartment and where, why, why does your dad leave, why is it dark at night and light in the day ... The more speech the child will hear during the day, the faster he will want to participate in the conversations himself.
  3. The third rule. Develop small motor skills. Games with water, paper, puzzles, Montessori frames, designers, lego - all these are very good auxiliary tools for the development of not only the logic of the child, but also his speech.
  4. Rule four. When talking with a child, try to articulate, speak a little more expressively than usual, even if it seems unnatural to you.
  5. The fifth rule. Do not rush to fulfill the demands of the child, expressed "without words." If you know that the baby is already able to ask for a favorite toy, wait until he asks for it, and does not require a gesture.
  6. Rule six. Do not be offended and do not get angry at the child. It is necessary to strengthen the child's successes, and not to express displeasure with his inability. Keep your own emotions under control, and then you will not have time to look back, as the little one will tell the poems of Chukovsky without any hints from your side.