Labor education of preschool children.

Labor education of young children is an activity that is aimed at developing general labor abilities, the formation of psychological readiness, a responsible attitude to work and the products of its production, as well as affecting the mental and physical development of the child. The problems of labor education are quite relevant for preschool children, since at this stage the child develops personal qualities, skills and aspirations for work.

Tasks of labor education of preschool children

Tasks of labor education can be embodied in pre-school educational institutions (DOW) and in the family. The DOW plays an important role in the overall development of the child. It should be noted that the upbringing of children in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with a certain program. In the society of peers, it is easier for a child to compare his labor skills and results with the labor education of his comrades. Also, in the formation of the child's personality, high priority is given to family education. The main principle of labor education in the family is that the workload must correspond to the age and personal characteristics of the child. It is important for all family members to always be an example when doing any domestic things. Children like to imitate adults and feel great pride if they are entrusted with "real" affairs at home.

The work of preschool children can be divided into several types:

Features of labor education of preschoolers

The peculiarities of the attitude to the labor activity of a child at an early age consist in the fact that he is more attracted by the labor process than the final result. Therefore, the relationship between work and play is important for the preschooler.

The main methods and techniques of labor education:

The main goal of the labor education of preschool children is the formation of the child's personality, as well as the correct attitude to work. Labor develops in the preschool child intelligence, observation, attention, concentration, memory, and also strengthens his physical strength and health.