Blood in the mouth in the morning - causes

The appearance of blood in the mouth, even if its amount is insignificant and is not visually determined, is easily noticed by the characteristic after-taste. With the exception of single cases, when it is associated with a gum or lip injury, such a symptom indicates that there are serious health problems.

Causes of blood in the mouth in the morning

Among them are:

Diseases of the mouth

Among the causes of the appearance of blood in the mouth in the morning the most frequent is gingivitis . This disease occurs when non-hygiene of the oral cavity, which causes the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the appearance of microscopic bleeding ulcers. Bleeding in this case is present constantly, but throughout the day it is less noticeable, but during sleep, blood accumulates in the oral cavity and the taste becomes obvious.

Infectious diseases

The most dangerous of this category, but, fortunately, today is a relatively rare disease, is pulmonary tuberculosis. With it, there can be either separate veins of blood in the sputum, or (in neglected cases) blood spitting. In addition, the appearance of blood in the mouth after sleep can be associated with inflammatory diseases of the nasal sinuses, streptococcal infections, various SARS and severe pneumonia.

Effects of drugs

The cause of the appearance of a taste of blood in the mouth in the morning can serve various supplements and vitamin supplements with a high content of iron, which is one of the main components of red blood cells. Bleeding as such, despite the characteristic taste of blood, it is not observed, and discomfort disappears after discontinuing drug intake.

Also, the appearance of blood can be triggered by the drying of the mucous membrane with the use of sprays and inhalers.

Diseases of internal organs

Among such diseases, the appearance of blood in the mouth in the morning is most often observed with gastritis and stomach ulcer. In addition, there is also a white coating on the teeth, pain in the stomach, nausea and heartburn, a violation of taste sensations.

In diseases of the genitourinary system, the taste of blood in the mouth is a concomitant symptom and is accompanied by pain in the right upper quadrant.