Dyshidrotic eczema of hands - treatment

The exact causes of the development of dyshidrosis have so far not been established. Presumably, it can provoke pathologies of the nervous, endocrine or immune system, severe stress. Therefore, therapy does not depend on why dyshidrotic eczema of hands has arisen - treatment, in any case, provides for a set of measures to restore the normal activity of the whole organism and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Medical treatment of dyshidrotic eczema of the hands

The therapeutic approach should be developed by a dermatologist on an individual basis, there is no general scheme.

As a rule, the treatment of dyshidrosis involves the following measures:

1. Compliance with a diet that excludes products such as:

2. Taking antihistamines:

3. Taking sedative medications:

4. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs:

5. The use of local therapy in the form of lotions, antiseptic treatment:

6. Regular application of ointments and creams:

7. Physiotherapy:

In addition, the doctor can recommend taking vitamins, as well as attending psychotherapy sessions to stabilize the emotional background.

Treatment of dyshidrotic eczema of hands with folk remedies

Alternative methods are allowed only after consultation with a dermatologist. As a rule, they are prescribed in cases when the standard drug approach can not be applied, for example, if the dyshidrotic eczema of the hands appeared during pregnancy.

Of folk remedies usually advised solutions for rinsing, which produce antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Good help infusions on herbs, such as:

An excellent method of soothing the skin, removing irritation and inflammation, healing of epidermal injuries is the external application of natural sea buckthorn oil. Before applying it, it is important to check if there is an allergy to this product.

How much is treated dyshidrotic eczema brushes of hands different methods of treatment?

The duration of therapy depends not only on the effectiveness of the treatment course, but also the patient himself, the individual characteristics of his body, the overall emotional state and health. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question unambiguously, especially considering that the dyshidrosis is a chronic relapsing disease.

As a rule, relieve the aggravation possible for 7-28 days, less often this process lasts for months, and can last up to six months.