What smell scares off mice?

There are times when it is impossible to use aggressive mechanical and chemical methods to fight rodents, for example, if the house has small children or pets. Then, to help the "victims" from penetrating the mice come methods with a common name - phyto-protection.

Smell as a protection from rodents

The essence of the method is to saturate the room with various smells. Knowing what smell the mouse does not like, you can create a reliable protective barrier against rodents and other such "uninvited guests." There are many synthetic flavors that are not perceived by humans, but catchable by the sensitive neurons that rodents possess.

Answering the question, what scent scares off mice, experts recommend paying attention to plants. For example, mint (Menthapiperita), wormwood (Artemisia) and blackroot (Cynoglóssum) also have a negative effect on rodents. The effect is caused by a high concentration of geraniol (fragrant alcohol) in plants.

At the same time, it is impossible to say with certainty which smell the mouse can not tolerate, since one of more than 15 rodent species can parasitize in the house. Animals are different in their morphology and the structure of the sense organs, so those smells that scare off one kind of mice can easily be transferred by others.

Alternative protection

There is an innovative method for controlling rodents, based on the use of instruments that emit ultrasound (sound with a frequency of oscillation of more than 20,000 Hz). Such devices are called ultrasonic rodent repellents. They are very effective and do not cause irritation in humans. But there is an opinion that devices negatively affect pets, especially small ones.

Keep in mind, even if mice are afraid of smell, phytopreparations do not kill rodents, so the main remedy is still the use of various traps, traps and dies, as well as the use of methods of chemical deratization.