Lingzhi mushroom

Known also under the names "lacquer tinder", "ganoderma shiny", "Reishi", mushroom lingzhi is found in almost all parts of the world, settling more often on the trunks of dying trees and stumps. More than two millennia ago, this fungus was used for medical purposes by the peoples of Southeast Asia. In recent years, the composition and properties of lingzhi have been actively studied, and its usefulness is proved by numerous clinical studies.

Composition and properties of Chinese mushroom lingzhi

The chemical composition of the fungus is saturated with a variety of substances of particular value in pharmaceuticals. Among them are the following:

Due to its unique composition, the lingzhi mushroom has such healing properties:

Indications for the use of the fungus lingzhi

Mushroom lingzhi is recommended for use in the following pathologies:

Since the Lingzhi fungus is non-toxic and does not cause side effects, it can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes for a long time, and over a wide range of doses. The only contraindications for lynchings are pregnancy and lactation.

How to take mushrooms?

The reception of the lingzhi mushroom is possible in the form of capsules, liquid extract, as well as alcohol, water or oil tincture. Conveniently Take the mushroom lingzhi in the form of tea based on powder (dried milled mushroom). It is recommended to brew it this way:

  1. 2-3 g of the lingzhi mushroom powder is placed in a glass or porcelain dish and pour a glass of hot water (not boiling water).
  2. Insist under the lid for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Take half the glass twice a day before meals, drinking slowly in small sips.

Dosage and the frequency of reception of the agent can be adjusted depending on individual sensations.

Cosmetic properties of the fungus lingzhi

This fungus can also be used as a cosmetic for skin rejuvenation and healing, strengthening and growth of hair . Based on the dried powder, it is recommended to make facial and hair masks. Special products with a mushroom lingzhi (for example, shampoo Tiande) are produced.