Extract of Leuzea

People who care about their health, probably familiar with such expressions as natural adaptogens or natural energy. This is the name of a certain group of plants that have the ability to stimulate the strengthening of immunity when they are taken by humans, and increase resistance to physical stress. As a rule, these plants are used for the preparation of extracts (extracts) or infusions.

Composition and indications for the use of leuzea extract

The area of ​​growth of Leuzea is safflower (maral root) - Altai highlands, Siberia and Central Asia. As a plant raw material for extracting the extract, the root and rhizome of this plant are used.

Liquid levsei extract is used:

The leuzea extract contains such substances necessary for the human body:

Leuzea extract for women

This is truly an elixir of beauty. Immediately, it should be noted that the intake of this extract can help in case of violations of the menstrual cycle, as well as with certain gynecological diseases (polycystosis, infertility). You can also use infusions of Leuzea as a tonic to eliminate acne and skin health, and oil for cooking masks. In any case, oral intake of the extract or as a cosmetic product will help to improve the body and skin.

Leuzea Extract in Sports

The difference between Leuzea and other adaptogens is that it has the most pronounced anabolic effect, with no side effects typical of steroids. When taking leuzea, in combination with riboxin and creatine, an excellent muscle growth and an increase in strength are achieved. Blood counts improve. All these properties are well known to professional athletes and bodybuilders.