How to choose a snowboard for growth?

Thinking about what kind of snowboard to choose, but you can not even guess what parameters are important for this? In fact, there are no special difficulties in this matter.

How to choose a snowboard for growth?

It is widely believed that there is nothing easier than to pick a snowboard for growth. In fact, growth plays a small role, because it depends only on how the center of gravity can be shifted. Thus, you do not need to select a snowboard for growth: this parameter will only help to correct other calculations.

Some manufacturers of snowboards offer special tables, in which, based on weight and height, you can choose the length of snowboarding. It is very convenient and fast. Usually such tables are offered in specialized stores.

How to choose a snowboard for snowboarding by weight

The weight of a person is the most basic parameter by which a choice is made, because the snowboard is primarily intended to distribute the weight evenly.

There is a simple formula, according to which you can easily calculate the appropriate length of snowboard for you:

For women: length of snowboard = 127 cm + 0.4 * WEIGHT

For men: snowboard length = 136 cm + 0.3 * WEIGHT

The parameters obtained from this formula should be added from 1 to 2 centimeters if you have a slender figure, and if you are overweight, then the same one or two centimeters should be taken away from the figure obtained from the above formula .

Is the foot size important?

The size of the foot is also taken into account when choosing a snowboard, but not for choosing length, but for width. The main criterion - on the board by the width should be placed a shoe of your size. Even if you have a large foot size, you can always pick up a special model.

Skating conditions

It is very important when choosing a snowboard to consider and where you will ride. However, if you plan to do this in parks, then on mountain peaks, the value that you previously calculated was based on your weight is quite appropriate.

If you know exactly in what conditions you have to ride - adjust the size of the calculations as follows:

It is this choice of snowboard, which takes into account not one parameter, but everything at once, will allow you to feel good on your beautiful new board and successfully conquer the mountain slopes and write down various tricks.