How to brake on skates?

Know how to properly brake on skates, it is necessary if you want to ride without falling, bruises and injuries. Learning to brake on roller or ice skates is necessary before you start to learn more serious elements.

How to learn to brake on ice skates?

Learn to slow down on ice skates you need from the basics, which are taught to beginners. To stop, you need to stop pushing and pick up speed, then the friction force will sooner or later cause you to stop. However, the stopping distance is likely to be quite long. To stop faster, try drawing skates of the "eight" or to transfer the weight of the body to only one skate, strongly pressing it.

If you are skating in figure skates, stopping will be helped by prongs on the toe or the back of the blade. Whatever you choose for braking - a sock or a heel - to press on ice it is necessary not strongly, slightly having taken away a braking leg forward or back. The braking distance with such braking is about 3-6 meters.

How to hamper skating?

In those cases where you need to brake quickly and abruptly, the above methods will not work for you. On figure skates in this case, you can try a method adopted by skiers. For quick braking, squat down, rest against the back ends of the blades in the ice, and bring the socks to each other.

The following method of abrupt braking at high speed is suitable for any type of skate. If necessary, brake, put your right foot forward so that the blades are perpendicular to each other, and lean on the inside of the blade of the exposed leg. With this right foot movement, you will describe the semicircle and turn around, but be careful, because you can lose balance and fall.

Beginners hockey players usually learn to brake on skates sideways, since this method is most effective in game conditions. To brake this way at high speed, you need to spread your legs 30-40 cm wide and turn perpendicularly to the direction of movement, resting with the blades of the skates in the ice. The body when braking sideways should be deflected slightly back, otherwise you will lose balance.

An important condition for effective braking on ice skates is a good grinding. If the blades are dulled, they will not crash into the ice, but slide along it, so it will not be possible to brake sharply.

How to brake on roller skates?

Scooters have their own ways of braking, which is very important to master; despite the presence of protection, athletes easily injured. An easy enough way to slow down is by "slalom". Learn it on a not too steep incline. Begin to leave the hill, but not in a straight line, but by "slalom", i.e. - from edge to edge. Internal to turn the leg in this case performs the function of support, and the external - it brakes. This method is considered mastered if you manage to stop for 2-3 turns.

The method of braking the T-stop is suitable only for those who can ride on one leg. If you need to brake, lift one leg and continue to ride on the second skate. Loose a free leg and drag it along the asphalt so that it is strictly perpendicular to the one on which you roll (if you start to record - the rule of perpendicularity is not fulfilled). Then start gently resting on the braking leg to stop.

To stop on roller skates, you can use brakes, as well as some methods of braking for ice skates. Most importantly, all these methods should be sharpened. And do not forget about protective equipment - a blow against asphalt in summer clothes is more traumatic than ice in the winter.

And a few words about emergency non-technical braking. In a dangerous situation, when you need to brake very abruptly, you can use to stop a fixed object - a tree or a pole (the wall can only be used as a last resort). For this thing you need to grab, riding to him from the side. A less dangerous method of non-technical braking is a run in the ice on the grass.