How to become sociable?

I wonder if a modest girl can become open and sociable or will she always be perceived as a quiet person? If you are shy and insecure and just thinking about it, wanting to become more sociable, interesting and fun, know - you can do it. Although at first it will not be easy to change your habits and behavior.

What do you need to do for this?

First - to understand what is preventing you from being more relaxed and sociable and how you usually deal with it. Most likely, you have friends with whom you feel relaxed and easily talk about any topic. But here communication with unfamiliar or insufficiently close people causes awkwardness, embarrassment or fear. What do you do in such cases? Avoid communication? Behave yourself with restraint and keep silent, almost without saying anything?

If this is so, then you will never be able to overcome excitement and isolation. It will be difficult for you to communicate, and free and natural behavior will not arise by itself even over time.

Therefore, there is only one way to become more sociable - not to leave the conversation, as many often do, but especially start conversations with those you see every day, but do not say much. Only do it right.

How to learn to be sociable?

1. Train at home. Imagine that you are preparing to speak. Prepare a few phrases that you could start a conversation with. Think about what you can ask the person with whom you will communicate. And say everything in a beautiful, pleasant voice, watch his intonation and strength. Such home "lessons" will help you out and you will say everything you like, more confidently and calmly.

Help you and jokes, funny stories or quotes. Remember them specially and insert them into the conversation at a convenient opportunity. Collect in your "piggy bank" everything that attracted your interest or made you laugh - it's like other people.

2. Smile. Do you know that many experience stiffness, like you? And they may not know how they should behave. And your kindness and a smile will support them and help to cope with embarrassment.

3. Avoid monosyllabic phrases. Answering the usual questions - "How are you?" Or "Well, what's new with you?" - try never to say "Normal" and "Everything as always". There is no such thing that nothing new happens in your life! Tell us about how you did or did not do your homework, test or abstract, what you watched on TV or found on the Internet. Ask yourself: how was the day, what were your plans for tomorrow, whom your friend or girlfriend met from common acquaintances.

4. Be able to listen and empathize. Being sociable is not just talking; where it is more important to learn to be attentive and sensitive to your interlocutors! Our friends appreciate the kind participation and understanding, empathy and kind attitude! Show interest, listen, adding from yourself: "Really? That's it! "," Really? Did you say that yourself? "Or" That's great! "," Cool! ". Just be sincere if your comments are just a pretense, it will be seen.

5. Communicate! Become a sociable girl - means to communicate, as soon as you have this opportunity. It's like learning another language - if you stop talking on it, then you lose the skill. So get courage and - tell some anecdote in the company, praise someone's new hairstyle, call someone from your classmates or classmates, just to chat.

First, you will experience internal stiffness, so rehearse alone with each of your "public out". But with each new attempt you will be more and more communicating.

Just stop being afraid of other people, they are also not perfect, just as embarrassed and worried. Only they may not know how to get rid of this, but you know!