How to restore the old closet?

Over time, each of us will have to solve the dilemma - throw out the old closet or give it a second life? Agree, get rid of the lost furniture kind of easiest, but if the cabinet is made of high-quality materials or roads to you, as a memory, you can try to restore the closet with your own hands.

Restoration of this type of furniture, like a closet, requires from you a scrupulous and thoughtful approach, as its new appearance should be in harmony with the existing interior of the room. On the Internet, it is easy to find a variety of master classes on the restoration of the old wardrobe. Among them are such methods of transforming furniture, like decoupage , craquelure, pasting the cabinet with various films and other materials. They are suitable for the restoration of kitchen cabinets with their own hands, old furniture in the bedroom and living room. We offer you one of the ways to transform the old wardrobe beyond recognition.

How easy is it to restore the old closet?

To restore the cabinet you will need:

Stages of cabinet restoration

  1. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean the surface of dirt, grease and old coating. To do this, you can use a sanding machine or sandpaper. The surface should be perfectly smooth and smooth.
  2. Cover the cabinet with black ink, which not only tones the surface, but also absorbs into the wood.
  3. The inner surface of the cabinet is painted with a bright red paint.
  4. Cut out a pattern of the desired pattern from the paper, apply it to the surface and carefully draw a white pencil.
  5. On the resulting drawing with a fine brush, we apply a water-based mordant varnish.
  6. On a slightly frozen lacquer we apply gold leaf or crumb, try not to get out of the picture. Leave to dry for a couple of hours.
  7. With a hard brush or a cotton swab, we'll walk through the pattern, removing the excess material.
  8. On the side walls and doors of the cabinet we draw a straight line under the ruler, making a kind of framework.
  9. With a fine brush fill the lines with metallic paint.
  10. We apply several layers of varnish, update the cabinet hardware.
  11. The updated closet is ready.