Pudding in the multivariate

Pudding is a very light and airy dessert, which will surely appeal to your guests. Prepare the dish very easily, especially in the multivark, but it turns out to be incredibly tender and deliciously fragrant.

Apple - curd pudding in a multivariate



We offer a simple recipe how to make pudding in a multivariate. Green apples are peeled, cut in half and remove the core. Then grind them with a blender in puree, add cottage cheese, half a serving of sugar and a mango. All thoroughly mix until a uniform mass is formed.

In a separate bowl, lightly beat the eggs, gradually pouring the remaining sugar, until a light foam forms. After this, very gently pour the beaten eggs to the apple-curd mass and gently stir. The form for cooking a dish for a couple of greases with butter and gently shift the cooked mass into it.

We put the form in the multivark, pre-pour in it the necessary amount of water, and cook about 40-45 minutes in the "Steam cooking". The ready pudding from cottage cheese in a multivarque should be very delicate and delicious according to its consistency.

The recipe for rice pudding in the multivariate



Milk is preheated, but not boiled. Then add sugar, crushed lemon zest and cinnamon. We pour the mixture into a saucepan and pour rice into it. We prepare the milk pudding in the multivark at the "Bake" mode for 30 minutes. We cool the prepared dish and serve it on a table with lemon slices and cinnamon.

Banana pudding in a multivariate



Raisins pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Hercules grind into flour using a coffee grinder. Apples washed, cleaned with bananas from the peel and rubbed into a large bowl on a large grater. To the crushed fruit, add cinnamon, pour lemon juice and mix. Then add the flour of the flour and again lightly beat.

In the bowl of the multivarka we put cream butter, turn on the "Hot" mode and melt it. We pour the melted butter to the apple - banana mixture, pour the milk here and put raisins. We mix it well. In a separate bowl, beat the egg mixer with sugar and salt until a strong foam. Accurately connect the egg foam with the apple-oats test. We put the mass in a saucepan, close the lid of the multivark and bake the pudding at the "Bake" mode for 60 minutes. Ready-made pastries are served for tea only in a warm form.

Chocolate pudding in the multivark


For vanilla sauce:


Cocoa is mixed with breadcrumbs, and then gradually pour in milk and cream. Stir well and leave for a few minutes for 10 minutes. Soften the oil carefully with sugar, add the chicken yolks, pour in the flour and put the soda. Mix everything and combine it with soaked breadcrumbs, almonds and cognac. Whisk the whites separately, and only then mix with the bulk. The dough is thoroughly kneaded to a homogeneous state and placed in a pan of multivarka.

We cook the chocolate pudding using the "Bake" program for 60 minutes. We serve the dish hot, having poured it on top with vanilla sauce. To make it, take a pot, pour milk into it and boil it. Separately we rub eggs with sugar, pour in flour, starch and combine with milk.