Normal blood pressure

Arterial pressure (BP) is an individual indicator of each organism. It is determined on the basis of many factors. Despite this, there are still averaged medical figures by which it is possible to determine whether normal blood pressure is increased or decreased. It is this indicator that allows a specialist to suspect about ailments in the body. It is important to note that the parameters can vary depending on the person's age, weather conditions or time of day.

What blood pressure is normal?

By this concept is meant the force with which the blood flow presses on the vessels. Basically, BP depends on the speed of the heart and the volume of fluid that it can pass through itself in one minute. Indicators by age are a medical parameter that indicates the correct functioning of the main muscle, nervous and endocrine systems.

Normal blood pressure is considered to be within the range of 110/70 to 130/85 mm Hg. Art. These factors are influenced by many factors:

Normal blood pressure level in 40 years

At representatives of fine half at the age of forty the norm is the indicator 127/80 mm Hg. Art. In men, this parameter is slightly different - 128/81 mm Hg. Art. In this case, many people may have different numbers. Each person they are especially individual. At this age, this can be affected by:

Normal blood pressure in 50 years

At this age, the average value for women is 135/83 mm Hg. Art. In men, respectively, 137/84 mm Hg. Art. The figures for this period of time, other than the above, may be influenced by other factors:

Normal blood pressure at 65 years of age

For women of this age, the normal pressure is 144/85. In men, the indicator is at the level of 142/85 mm Hg. Art. It should be emphasized that compared with the age of forty, the indicators of the strong and beautiful halves change. Thus, in a younger period of life, the pressure is higher for men, and in elderly for women. In this case, there are many factors that affect the process:

In the case of a change in the arterial blood pressure index, an unusual sensation appears in a person. So, most often it is expressed by such manifestations as: