Patissons - good and bad

Appearance of the patisson is very unusual, which immediately distinguishes it from the vegetable row. Although the patisson is a relative of a squash and a pumpkin, it does not resemble either one or the other. Most of all, its shape resembles a biconvex lens with wavy uneven edges. Patissons come in all sizes, from very small, with a fist, to giants of several kilograms in weight. They can be soft green, white, yellow, with decorative stripes. And since it is not popular enough among consumers, few know about the benefits and harm of squash. Although they are often used as a kind of decor in a rural style.

What are the benefits of squash?

The use of squash is primarily their low caloric content: in a hundred grams - only 19 calories. But the dishes from this vegetable perfectly satiate and permanently suppress hunger. The secret of nutritional value is high in fiber and useful carbohydrates. Although both fats and protein in the patissons, too, there are, but there are not many of them.

Useful properties of the patisson are also determined by the presence in the vegetable of vitamins and microelements: C, B1 and B2, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc and the like. In the yellow-orange varieties there is also vitamin A and lutein, which helps purify the blood. Therefore, brightly colored fruits are recommended for people who suffer from thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc. diseases. The watery flesh of the vegetable acts well on the peristalsis of the intestinal tract, helps to optimize the work of the kidneys and liver. On a diet of patissons, you can quickly and safely lose weight.

But besides the benefits and harm of the patissons, too. In excessive amounts, they can cause indigestion, as well as aggravate the already existing gastrointestinal pathologies. They are not recommended for eating patients with gastritis and similar diseases.